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20 OMAHA WORLD HERALD Saturday June 15 1985 46 Hanot Ornnt Initnimente 46 46a 50 WESTERN LS Auct North Platte Neb Sales Tues 308 532 0861 Employment 1 Instruction ft Io 57 arm Auction Sates 52 WHITE pedestal table with 4 yellow and white chairs $85 397 335Z 46a 58 Livestock Equipment SET of 4 Oak veneer choirs $250 Ook dresser $150 333 0567 LEOPARD Appoloosa Gelding 5 yrs old Green broke $300 Halters and saddles also 545 9o59 PLATORM rocker 4 drawer wooden file 1927 washing machine Victori an chest Thurs Sat 8 5 10224 St 592 0408 2 CARPETS 7 piece Victorian parlor set 350 chairs ri Sal 11 3 292 0241 COBWEB CORNERS 1941 13th St JD4 row hitler good $150 402 549 2255 OAK octagon table with leaf and 4 oak upholstered chairs never used 733 7066 13 ANCY Holstein open heifers (57c lb) 4 893 4781 Orchard NE AIR Conditioners $45 $175 Good con dition 220 volt 333 2026 or 978 8425 26 CU Underbar Refrigerator best offer 331 2526 riday 333 7485 weekend ask for Maureen NOTICE All employment advertis ing published in this newspaper is subject to federal and state equal op portunity laws and guide lines which make Illegal any employment advertis ing that Indicates any pref erence limitation specifi cation or discrimination based on race color re ligion age sex or national origin except that: When bona fide reasons exist for specifying certain types of Individuals em ployment advertising may include such specifica tions This newspaper will not knowingly accept any adver tising lor employment which Is In violation of the law BABYSITTING my home Mon Sat central location 554 8426 LPN center In Gretna 332 1446 BUYING All old chandlers light fixtures lamps bathroom hardware furni ture etc ANTIQUES 551 4388 SALE Drew's Antiques 4916 Underwood Ave Mon Sat 11 5:30 WHY? pay more for new furniture that is not wood when you con have for much less solid wood antique furniture completely restored? We have bed room sets dining room sets and more! 5018 Leavenworth ANA'S ATTIC Photo Sunrita SsrvicK KODAC (model MK4) projector man ual load magnetic optical sound protected Askln SSO or best otter Used Wesllngnouse washer and Ken mgre (trygr $125 pair 493 7736 COMPLETE 13 pc drum set with Zild ion cymbals and coses 6" 18' Toms deep wine like new SIOW or best otter Must sell 522 3011 PIANOS PLUS New used pianos at low low prices Authorized dealers for KIMBALL YOUNG CHANG aLI fi BaLEm i CGNLf PI ANO A deal ufftr Call 392 0643 or 571 2755 NOTICE TOOUR READERS if you wish to answer an advertise ment with a World Herald Box Num ber but you do not want the reply fowarded to certain firms or individ uals you can use the World Herald's Confidential Box Service Just follow these steps when mailing your reply: 1) Place your reply in on envelope addressed to the box number in the ad 2) On a separate sheet of paper list the firms or individuals to whom your answer is not to be forwarded 3) Place this list and your sealed re el inn qprnnrt pnuolnnp nririreccpri Confidential Box Service Classified Advertising Omaha World Herald World Herald Square flmnhn AftlfiO if the name of the firm or individual who Placed the ad is on your list your reply will be destroyed If not it will be forwarded to the advertiser NOTE: Regular replies to Blind Box Numbers should be addressed os fol lows Box Omaha World Herald World Herald Square Omaha Ne 68102 Child (ter BABYSITTING my home starting July 15 Lots of TLC hot mealas and fenced yard 453 5058 anytime 59TH PRATT Benson I will babysit In my home $40wk Hot meals playmates lots of TLC Mon rl days S54 8464 Al INANT care by licensed RN full time only openings available next 2 mas Hanscom Park Area 346 8601 USED APPLIANCE SHOP Refrigerators stoves washers dry ers airconditioners 1 Wand 220 345 1582 USED WASHER AND for both 733 1365" BABYSITTING enjoys children 5242 So 17th St Cot I Mrs Rios 734 4024 BABYSITTING full time days reti obie with references Phone 558 1958 BABYSITTING my home 85th Western area 397 6446 Horwu Racing Show and Pleasure 55 (niM anwtAcro) NEBRASKA BALDWIN GOING OUT BUSINESS SALE PERMIT 00675 UNBELIEVABLE BUYS BALDWIN PIANOS ORGANS A EW EXAMPLES: SPINET STYLE PIANO $499 BALDWIN BUILT PIANO V8 BALDWIN UNMACHINE: $399 KIMBALLORGAN $99? EVERETT PIANO 198 BALDWIN STUDIO Save 5984 Baby grand pianO 145? NEW CONSOLE PiANd 11188 WURLITZERORGAN $599 VOX UN ORGAN SI 29 YAMAHA STUDIO SAVE NEBRASKA BALDWIN 120th RBeYSlr Plaza 334 7100 Opendally 10to9prn Sat 10 tg 5: 30 Sun 12 to 5 pm OLDS trumpet Gibson lying Er nit Ball cords 8 and 25 ft 35 watt PA mike and stand 160 watt Pea vey Mace Morley volumo Wah 4221963 SkGAN Kimball swinger 400 cost new $2000 like new $950:333 4760 PIANO Jonas Chickenng in mint condition moving must sell no rea sonable offer refused call anytime offer 4 jm 453 9983 Karl Hrip Wanted Admlnlstratisa 59 CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER ast growing Nebraska printer Is seeking an energetic dedicated Cus tomer Service Manager Responsi bilities Include managing all phases of order handling order entry tele marketing and customer service de partment Customer servlcetele marketing managerial experience required as well as good people skills and an achievement oriented atti tude We offer a West Omaha loca tion competitive salary and an ex cellent benefit package Send re sume and salary requirements to: Lancer Label Att: Albright KU 74th St Omaha Ne 68114 MANAGER TRAINEE TSC stores has an opportunity for an individual who Is career oriented to join our trowing family We offer a future worth sluicing with tliose willing to take part in an extensive training program necessary to become a store man ager Excellent starting salary and many company paid benefits Phone or write BRIAN HIDE TSC STORES 7910 ST OMAHA NE 68127 339 2800 An Equal Opportunity £aptyer THE ABULOUS COLLECTOR'S EXPO riSot Sun June 14 15 16 CENTER MALL OMAHA NEBR Dealers from 5 states fill the Center Moil with the finest tn coins stamps basebail cards dolls postcards comics watches marbles sterling and much more! Everyone welcome oil items for sale Walnut Dinning table 6 chairs Wai nut side board with beleved mirrors carvings Nice $1000 558 2987 50 Everything ood for Thought 4963 Center 551 0689 LARGE beautiful Dunn gelding ex cellent with cattle Has been in 4 as game horse Must see to oppre dote remont (402) 721 4846 "LEOPARD" Appoloosa 289 4319 PC 6300 Personal Computer Includes keyboard monitor and dual floppy $2300 292 2271 COMPUTERS COMPUTERS This Is Ralff from Omaha Computer xchonge We salesmen make 0 com mission here Do you know how strange that Is In the computer busi ness? Real strange But It saves you big dinero like: IBM PC 256K color $2695 510000 RS system for $2995 Apple system 5699 OCE will war ronty all used equipment 333 3203 LEARN ELECTRONICS GATEWAY Electronics Institute 4001 So 24th St! 734 4420 MACINTOSH printer software complete $2200 Desk and printer stand 150 1 727 0956 remont Ml RANDA DX 3 35MM Many extras Very reasonable CAII 345 1983 PENTAX 500 mm f45 lense Bayonet mount Excellent condition 5525 or best otter Call 322 9208 YASHIK POWER WINDER LASH 5140 333 8666 Hanoi Organs Inrtrvmnft 43 1 UPRIGHT PIANO 550 MOVING Call 558 2937 1898 SCHILLER upright piano Asking 5225 571 2775 Moving must sell I 1906 UPRIGHT Piano $400 339 2429 YELLOW Couch 5125 Black vinyl re cliner 525 Both excellent condition 895 1903 Appliances 1 HARVEST GOLD self cleaning electric stove Call 496 4350 19000 BTU air conditioner and porto ble dishwasher both like brand new 558 4230 2 MARBLE TOP night stands 5425 pair cooper tea urn 5900 large copper pan 5400 Phone 399 9895 8 PIECE dining room suite 60 70 yrs old 592 1209 ANTIQUE and Collectible Sole Everything from spoons to dressers! Numerous kitchen utensils Oak dressers with mirror Oak library ta bles dressing table with triple mir ror 1 DAY ONLY June 15 9 to 5 CASH ONLY NO early sales 11025 North Post miles north of the Mormon Bridge on Colhoun Rd) ERICSON LIVESTOCK Ericson Neb (308) 653 3111 OGALLALA LIVESTOCK Ogallala NE 308 284 2071 SPALDING LIVESTOCK Cottle sales ues Hogs Thurs 303 497 2441 LEROY Ashcroft bred geldings 4 and 5 yrs cutting horse champion blood Ines Also for sale: Appaloosa year ling showquollty493 4213 PINTO SADDLEBRED At stud 571 1901 REGISTERED ARABIAN illy (sire) Wings NA 303 381 1569 STANDING '85 Stallion Champion lines Wimpy Poco colt Also board break trim and train horses Has tings la Evenings 712 624 8967 TB 2 mares with fools (1) 2 yr old and 1 yearling Excellent bllodlines (402 783 3461 MOVING must sell gas stove 575 Electric dryer 5)25 Dishwasher 5100 Sofa $25 Desk 525 4 piece dou ble bedroom set 5300 Misc furni ture All in good condition 453 351 MOVING Refrigerator 17 cuft Whirlpool frost tree excellent condi tion 5125 Kenmore WosnerCryer good condition $200 tor pair Custom 7 piece sectional with matching to bles ond bookshelves $500 330 0717 BASSETT LI VESTOCK AUCTION Bassett Neb (402) 684 2361 BURWELL LIVESTOCK MARKET Burwell Neb (306) 346 4257 BUY YOUR BBQ PIG NOW! I 332 4645 ELGIN LIVESTOCK Market 'Elgin NE Cattle Senes Mon 402 843 2275 Ham urnishings CHROME and glass dining table has unique large leaf 5200 paid 5700 plexiglass swivel chairs 550 each Library table that is display case 100 Ornate glass oriental lamp 5125 330 1263 COUCH and chair blond dressing to ble ond chest Sot 8 6 2719 Iowa St CUSTOM mode Maddox sofa ond love seol brown and rust multi color Mastercroft brown sofa and chair gold Mr ond Mrs chairs 393 1543 DINETTE corner unit (table 30x42) 575 Gold sofa 96" 5150 Loveseat 5100 Blue plush rug 575 Brown chair 515 Easy choir ond ottoman 535 Pull up choir 515 Record cabl net 515 All good condition 393 9284 DINETTE Set 6 chairs good shape 333 9013 DINETTE set and bookshelf 1 month old both oak In excellent condition Price negotiable 571 8601 before 4 DINETTE SET has 6 chairs bed uo a bolstered chair women's goll dubs like new Priced right 333 5319 IHC No 27 Baler twine tie $400 402 549 2255 INT 806 propane wide front 3 pt hitch front and wheel weights Mur phy switches 2000 total hrs duals Chartcs Kelly 712423 2341 VIC 20 $75 CALL331 2889 Byglrma CompdygSwvicB 505 OLIVETTI WORD PROCESSOR State of the art equipment with soft ware and training Currently sells for $7000 Will sacraflce for $3200 or best offer 392 1 4U or 556 7603 SI EXECUTIVE POSITION Store management available at Notel son's Excellent opportunity tor per son with ability in leadership and ex perience in store management Con tact Plano Poasch 734 0470 JOB EVALUATION Degree specialist In iob evaluations for corporation Send resume with salarytoHJRohrbero RELIABLE EXEC TECH SEARCH 11318 Davenport St Atrium South Omaho: (402) 330 2814 ALMOND refrigerator selt cleoning range 4 oak bar stools moving and storage boxes! 895 7402 AMANA upright freezer 13 cu 896 0106 AUTOMATIC washer dryer No lrost fridge 30" stove 453 9296 AUTOMATIC WASHER and DRYER Never frost refrigerator upright freezer 30" stove slde by stae refrigerator Call 493 9662 DOUBLE oven electric range Cop pertone $125 332:1726 ROSTLESS refrigerator $175 Heavy duty washer and gas drver 5175 Built In dishwasher ond stove 535 Guoronteed con deliver 571 3967 GE heovy duty washer and electric dryer goog shape 322 8666 GE refrigerator electric stove hood sink oil in avocado! 895 2359 GE stove and refrigerator gold ex cellent 5180 each 493 6700 KELVINATOR electric stove 3 years old Hotpolnt 2 door reirigera tor 322 8666 KENMORE and Whirlpool washer and dryer $150 21000 BTU Kenmore air conditioner excellent condition not even 2 yeors old 5400 292 281 1 KIRBY traditional with attachments like new 350 Nelco portable sewing machine 575 496 1482or 331 5132 LADY Kenmore washer $75 2 yr old Kenmore gasdryer $200 496 4584 MAYTAG gas dryer In excellent condition $135 571 3121 NORGE WASHER and DRYER $150 or best offer" 397 7352 PORTABLE Kenmore dishwasher ft" $100 or best offer 553 5043 RERIGERATOR washing ma chine $75 Sun Roy electric range used 7 mo whood! 5250 896 3958 RERIGERATOR 4 year old Gold side bv side automatic Ice maker reduced to $400 895 3706 SEARS Coldspot air conditioner $90 or best otter 453 4930 SPEED Queen washer ond electric drver matched set excellent condi tion $325 for set or make otter Whirlpool 90s drver 75 Apartment size electric dryer $50 554 8663 or 339 0410 ask for Kim LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTORTRAILER Combination Correspondent Resident program Call locally 402 978 8705 or contact Compus General Education Training Inc liMW LEARN COMPUTER PROGRAMMING IN JUST6MONTHS Day ond eve classes formlno now ''eTencp' PROGRAMMING INSTITUTE The Center 4th level 42nd Center MODELING SCHOOL BARGAIN or qualified applicant Only one available or information call 330 2450 24 hrs Private Pilot GROUND SCHOOL Pass the AA written exam with flying colors Profession instruc tors teach beyond AA require ments Wednesday evening classes 7 begin June 26 for 8 weeks Register today at 895 3500 WERNER AVIATION LEARNING CENTER Millard Airport 895 3500 PR BLUE velvet chairs 100 Brae que framed print otter 339 9776 QUEEN hide a bed earthtone queen sottside woterbed 496 4726 QUEEN size woler bed 2 vrs old ex cellent condition 4964)240 SEWING MACHINE SALE New ond used demos repossessions and loyowavs $45 and up OKSEWINGMACHINECO 928 572nd St 553 4981 SINGER sewing machine automatic washer 40x30 faceted wall mirror 592 1209 BABYSITTING My home full time days 540wk Mil lard area 8952205 or 592 1443 otters CHILO care my home licensed food program dependable Montclair School 1 44th 8 Center area 333 9835 CHILD CARE my home licensed Miller Pork Mixed ages 455 0621 CHRISTIAN Mom of 2 boys would like to babysit 1 2 children 3 years or over part time during the summer Dundee areo Phone 551 6643 DAY CARE HOME Licensed drop ins welcome West gate Open 24 hrs Pot 391 0773 I would like to babysit In my home In West Council luffs Coll 322 5963 IT'S A Small World Day Care and Learning Center 1866 120th In fant and uo 6: AM 6 PM week days 330 5485 or 3336731 LICENSED day care Kingwood area Referencesand playmates 330 5951 LICENSED DAYCARE Days full time Good references LaVlsto area 5924W14 QUALITY care for your Infant In my home near 108th and 592 4561 WANT to care for child over 4 Planned group trips 48th Mason area 551 8402 WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME Weekdays 38th area Call Dianeanytlme 731 8658 WILL babysit my home full or part time oavs and some evenings any age reasonable rdtes 331 2417 ENDER studio bass amplifier with bullt ln equalizer used 40 hours 5950 402 428 2925 itween 7 12 AM GUILD 12 string gullarcase $700 292 8840 3402 Lynnwood Dr BeHevue KEYBOARD player needed for work Ing bond vocals helpful 733 5368 KRAMER OCUS 1000 Like new 5350 or best otter 592 5827 LOOKING for Intelligent person to write sheet music Will pay I flnter ested send Inquiries to PSk Produc tlons317S 27 Ave 10 Omaho 68131 MUSICIAN GARAGE SALE Rhodes Crumar Synth Peovey Session 500 Ext speaker 60 guitar Pedal steel Gretsch bass mlsc wllh power supply ender Jazzmos ter 6 channel Shure amp Much more! 10: 6: SUN 10914 Jackson HAM radio equipment Coll 572 6290 457 6687 ININITY RSI speaker set natural oak finish 3 vrs left on transferable warranty less than 80 hours use 52650 Phone 733 5150 ININITY P3000 3 way monitor speakers 1 year left on transferable warranty $225 733 5150 MAGNAVOX Astrosonic console ste reo AM turntable nice mahog any cabinet on castors Also Pana sonic stereo (compact type) AM 8 track 2 speakers only $75ea or best offer 3450597 MONTGOMERY WARDS counsel ste reo Solid State amfm radio turn table 8 track tape player and re corder If Interested coll 399 9352 PIONEER reciever turntable speakers $250 333 8666 Awliances SEARS Heavy duty washer Sears heavv duty electric drver 5200 pair 1 234 2009 WASHERS dryers refrigerators used guaranteed Ackron Apph once 4817 24 St 556 2900 WASHE RS dryers $75 to $120 Guaronteed Can deliver 571 3967 WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator 57" W'de' perect contiiion WHIR LPOOL Apartment size washer dryer stackable 5300 493 7955 offer 5 WHIRLPOOL refrigerator 24' side by side with ice white 5300 8951495 Anticuet Collactibtei 47 11 ORl ENTAL rugs mlsc sizes some hand carved various colors 292 8840 3402 Lynnwood Dr Bellevue 1830 BELGIUM oaK hutch hand carved leaded glass doors $1200 52" round oak table 4 choirs $1000 Mission ook library table $350 292 9650 ANTIQUE dining room set large ta ble pulls out to seat 11 6 chairs and china hutch 453 3561 or 571 8749 ANTIQUE Itinerant pump 44 Key or gon 734 0379 ANTIQUE MALAYER PERSIAN RUG beautiful dotes 1906 12'x9' $3000best offer 342 3295 ANTIQUE SALE SAT JUNE 15th 5 Shaun Cir Red Ook IA 8 2 Pm Oak kitchen cabinet granite ware chairs chests and much more LA PETITE ACADEMY The notion's outstanding child care provider seeks a few energetic sincere local residents In West Omaha ond Lin coln Applicants must possess prov en leadership adminstratlve super visory and communication skills A self starter who drives on challenge ond hard work Is needed Apply Tn person with resume at 2519 So 140th St or 3005 ComsTock or call 292 8221 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE 6 month to one year training program in Omaha with relocation to Des Moines Iowa Must be college gra duate with BA or equivalent degree Profit sharing pension pion and in surance program provided urnish resume to: Omaha World Herald Box 164320330 Omaha NE 68102 MANAGEMENT Large corporation seeking people with a career in mind Ability to work with others a must! Move oheod on your own performance Openings In various locations As a management Trainee vou have the opportunity to earn up to $18000 per year and man agers are now earning $20 005536000 per year Company benefits tall 339 8920 for personal interview Equal Opportunity Employer ALLIS CHALME RS 14 TRACTOR With blade Good condition A great acreage tractor 51200 Coll 289 4512 or 289 2333 ALLIS CHALMERS model with some accessories 453 5103 WILL core for your child oil hours my home 143rd Ave oreo 4951098 WILL DO BABYSITTING IN MY HOME Westmont area Hwy 370 50895M40 WOULD like to babysit In my home weekdays prefer Infants and tod dlers ontenelle Golf Course Areo Coll 4576730 DC1003 5 Piece drum set let black and wine red wltn 3 cymbals 5356 JOE VODA'S DRUM CITY 209 So 72nd St 397 1Q60 EXPERIENCED Drummer wants to loin established country rock group Coll Ken 1 468 5209 ort Calhoun SALE! Reconditioned color TVs only $9995 WLE'Zls'0N' SAMSUNG 19" color TV 1 yr old $125 333 5849 SATELLITE TV $695 COMPLETE 733 1451 SYLVANIA 17" color (remote) porta ble 5 vrs eld good condition (new fdeture tubesklng 5150 or best of YAMAHA PX3 turntable with LM30 ordlphon cartridge $575 733 5150 Hoiih Computer Vkteo 50 5 PIECE Peon Drum Set Must sell ive 212 Zildjiancymbols 592 1490 7 YR old Conover Cable Plano $500 Coll 545 9059 AMPEG V4 100 watt guitar head 5125 Corvin boss bottom 2 15" speakers 51 35 Bass guitar 5150 346 9j86 BABY Grand piano Excellent condl lion Must socrifice 334 7350 BALDWIN ACROSONIC Pl ANO $900 292 4376 BEAUTIUL Hammond organ Like new 5000 or best otter 553 5043 BEGINNER PRACTICE PIANO Excellent condition 5500 556 3777 BUNDY SILVER LUTE WITH MU SIC STAND $350 292 4376 CABLE 2 YEARS OLD 51000 339 8513 BELLAMY BROS IMPL JD Dealer Elwood NE (308)785 3311 VOLUME SALES Central City NE 308 946 2224 CORNLEA AUCTION CO Sales 2nd Sat eoch mo 923 0894 DUALS 18 4 38 WITH HUBS fit 4430 axle CHEAP! 592 5487 ARM tractor batteries 6V or 12V On sole this week only $2495 3476561 OR Sole: Vermeer 605H Baler meer 230 disk mower 712 379 3541 ORD Tractor sickle mower 100 Also ord tractor one arm looder With bucket $165 402 549 2255 GENEVA IMPLEMENT Genevo Neb (402 759 3173 HUGE SACRIICE SALE Glenwood Tractor Glenwood I A 712 527 4838 UMttelteto BOSTON areo couple seeks loving reoonslble person Io live In and hetp care for children 14 Longmeadow Rd Newton Moss 617 9656280 Experienced nursing assistant seeks private duty neor bus route Part time or ull time references Call Soro 345 6056 ULL tlmesltterfortoddler and Infant needed 56th and NW Radiol Hwy oreo 551 9711 CHERISHABLESl Located in the Old Gralnery 7409 Main St Ralston Closed Sunday CHILD'S toy barn doll quilts old stuffed toys tinware tole RIVER CITY ANTIQUES 10 5 Wed Sun Louisville Ne COLLECTIBLES of the sport lthegolfeshop 5615 77th St 339 5681 COPPER boiler and horse drawn sod plow 451 8399 DOLL HOUSE 17 rooms Electric lights garage fully finished ready to move in $900 Cal! 331 8439 GLASS and collectible bottles 2453 Newport Sat only 9 4 OAK curved gloss china cabinet oak tcole and chairs oak rocker oak or gan ock chest oak drop front desk large oak desk Victrclo plus more 14923 Polk St SatSun LARGEST INDOOROUT DOOR LEA MARKET NEW HOURS 9 4 SEE AD CLASS 34 ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED OMAHA ORl ENTAL RUG CO 553 3032 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR PSYCHIATRIC DEPT The United Hospital a multi corporate 1350 employee organization located ip the beautiful Red River Valiev of Grand orks ND announces po sition vacancy for an Assistant Di rector Psychiatric Dept Responsi bilities include management of an acute care Inpatient program In a 24 bed psychiatric unit and a Partial Hospitalization Program supervi sion of HwO employees and the maintenance of a milieu nieropy program Also plans and imple ments deportment budget A ioint appointment with the Unlveristy of North Dakota College of Nursing Is possible Minimum Master's Degree In Psychiatric Nursing with manage ment experience desirable The As sistant Wrector will report to a Medical Doctor Director Excellent benefits program or more Infor mation or to apply contort tWMl 1M0 So Columbia Rd Grana orks ND 58201 (701) 78651ft An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DENTAL ASSISTANT ull Time CDAntheJoufhwest area Inttractten 5SA DIESEL DRIVERS TRAINING In Omaha inancial Aid 2 or 6 wks Nebr Custom Diesel 7850 396 7773 till 9pm or weekends LEARN HOW TO BECOME A COM PUTER PROGRAMMER SPECIAL IST Classes orming NOW Job Placement inancial Assistance available Call 393 7064 Institute ol Computer Science 808 So 74th Pla zo Omaha IMPL 6726 w6652 9360 out state 8064469232 NH No 435 grinder mixer wscale like new54 850 806742 7411 402 362 4461 YORK EQUIPMENT SHORT line exuerts Glenwood orm Equip Glenwood I A 712 527 3155 SPELTS SWANSON JD krarney 1 800652 1946 toll free HASTINGS NEB 402 463 1339 wdaSwte ALALA hoy for sole good quality round or square bales 5717772 ALALA square bales 110 first 75 third dry and Inslae Greta 332 3622 CHOICE ALALA hay $175 per bole Hwy iTO 8 60th ST 339 2478 RYE gross 75 lb wire bales feed lot prices 451 3438 SILAGE ond HAY al feed lol prices Commercial feeding available East of Polk 402 7326718 402 764 5914 WHEAT STRAW tor sole out of the ttelwlrfleuare baler available Henn: Raring Show and Pteawire 55 196(i Ml LE 2 horse trailer needs repglre Best offer 391 2719 4 YEAR OLD registered paint gelding 1571 well started 5850 Coonhound for sole 5100 4 year old 572 8910 BUCKSKIN Quarter Horse gelding 143 hands 5550 tac Included4243 BUY SELL TRADE END of breeding season special Good Time Sunny 16 hand son of Sunny Go Lucky world champion sire Bright Sorrel laxen Mane and tajl lent conformation stud tee $400 "imltd OR solo: horse tack 3305 107 St OR SALE: restored razier road cart new and used Jerald cans Concord runabout harness tteiyrn Carriages 7U iia 47 GENTLE 'n Poraneron vearljng fitly $475 or besl ctlt Will consider trade tor Western saddle 1 402 944 7141 (Ashland) CENTRAL PLAI NS AUCTION CO PO Box 471 Newman Grove NE 68758 toll free: 1 800672 0006 DEL Peterson Assoc Auctioneers remont Neb 402 721 4388 LEMING REALTY 8 INSURANCE Atkinson Ne 402 925 2302 JACK NITZ 8 ASSOCIATES Aucfion eers 8 Land Brokers (4021 727 8800 WEGENER AUCTION COMPANY Cornlea NE (402 923 1 160 or 0505 arm toisunent Suprites 54 14 IHC new Go Dlg discs complete with shank and berlng $25 ea 402 549 2255 1973 OLIVER combine 7600 series with platform Reasonable 592 5487 1975 Haige 640 high clearance sprayer 2 wheei hydrostatic drive Chrysler 225 engine good boom ready to go Lwan Valley ertilizer Co Lyons NE 402 687 2648 or 402 687 2355 1979 BIG A 3500 liquid system 1600 gal 65 booms 555 Turbo diesel excel lent excellent condition Days 515 738 5469 nights 515 738 2295 Ask for Doug '83 ATC Honda 200 3 wheeler very good $900402 549 2255 SOA 7 PC PIT ROSE LIKE NEW $750 292 3960 SOA and chair $50 recliner $20 coffee table $10 bookcase $15 king size bed $50 896 3408 SOA AND LOVESEAT Earthtones excellent condition $125 boy's bike $25331 7201 Twin bed good condition $35 roll owoy $15 342 8271 otter 5 pm WALNUT tcble 5 chairs has 2 leaves $150 493 9269 WATERBED 6 mo old Dork wood King sz irm mattress mirrorshelved headboard 333 5485 WHIRLPOOL washer dryer electric range Whirlpool refrigerator apart ment gas range and washe' and dry er Maytag wringer washer love seat refrigerator Community ur niture 1808 Vinton 344 3440 WESTERN saddle excellent condition 895 1 132 Umtorii Swlte 5 10 TON WAGON SCALE 8x16 plotform 1 402 845 7787 SELL! YOUR URNITUREand ANTIQUES Until you CALL 731 8180 DOUBLE BED 5 drawer dresser and vanity with chair mattress ond box springs included Call 397 2335 DREXEL dining room set 6 chairs In cluding 2 Captains with can backing 3 leaves light wood $150 341 3821 DREXEL dining room set 6 chairs in cluding 2 Captains with cane back ing 3 leaves light wood $150 341 3821 ETHAN Allen blue traditional sofa good condition $175 291 8294 ETHAN ALLEN Classic Manor dining set Oval table extends to 102" 4 Queen Anne side 2 orm chairs covered In bronze velveteen $3000 value for $1500 895 9566 OR SALE 4 30" CONCRETE Picnic tobies and 2 matching bench es for each Coll 978 7105 or after business hours 572 0299 OR SALE Loveseot choir ond otto mon earthtones 1 year old musl sell $650 978 8877 ORMICA Top table with 3 chairs rerl9eraor' RIENDS TOO BUSY TO HELP YOU MOVE? Call HAUL Packing and Loading Services 896 0528 URNITURE APPLIANCES NEW Reoosspsxprt furniture appliances damaged floor sam pies Terrific sovings Terms No credit application refused WEST OMAHA APPLIANCES 6M5 Maple st 551 170C MANAGER Assume Responsibility Manage Independently and Make Your Own Decisions Copeland Lumber Is expanding ond looking for aggressive indMauals Generous unlimited bonus paid based on your success Complete statement developed at yard every month No surprises This manage ment approach has worked well since 1913 Requirements: 1 Retail lumberyard experience 2 Proven management skills 3 Discipline fo succeed 4 Derive satisfaction from helping people 5 Eye for details 6 Willing to relocate a permanent location Company paid life medical dental and profit sharing plan Please send resume to Robert Lewis Copeland Lumber Yards Inc 901 NE Gllsan Street Portland Oregon 97232 PROGRAM DI RECTOR Responsible for providing leadership to volunteers ahd staff in develop ment and Implementation of re search education ana community program objectives of the American Heart Association BA or de gree with demonstrated experience in the health field Must have skills in community organization commu nications planning meeting man agements training and manage ment skills Must be willing to travel Salary $16000 to $19000 4 weeks paid vacation group benefits Send resume In care of Dennis Nissen 3624 arnam St Omaha NE 68131 ruaOgportunJfmgloyer Help Wanted Madteal 60 MOVING SALE 3170 Pratt 5x6 cherrvwood bookccse port 51000 5400 or best offer Hoover floor ond rag ciecner 555 Reslno electric broom $20 Kitcnen table $20 Misc Or coll 453 4777 NEBRASKA URNITURE MART urniture Carpet TV Appliances 700 SOUTH 72ND ST NEW AND UNCLAIMED RUGS Acme Rug Cleaners 1334 Pork Ave NICE WOOD BAR $65 896 1289 STAYING IN BUSINESS PIANO SALE New Story Clark built consoles $1188 Used from $395 Doily 9:30 5 Sun 1 5 EvesbvoPPt CRITCHETT'S 50th Dodge USED spinet and console Plano bar gain priced from $888 RENIERS 4900 Dodge 551 6364 WANTED: 5TH MEMBER or house bond Prefer person with ability to Play more than 1 Instru ment (fiddle banio etc) and vocal obility Coll 28 1180 for audition WORKING BAND seeking lead gui tarist with vocal ability lobs booked 733 5368 YAMAHA CP 30B electric Mini Grond Piano $2000346 1955 CB Radios TV Storto Safes Sarrica PORTABLE Satellite TV system complete on trailer good condition 5950 553 j944 15" RCA XL 100 color 19" Magnovox color $95 ea Cash 571 9565 25" QUASAR color console $85 cosh 571 9565 BIG SCREEN TV 6' diagonal screen 12 price! Coll 1 426 5830 OR SALE Yamaha Stereo Complete unit Will take best offer Call 895 641 1 afer 7 PM or weekends ANTIQUE slot machines 5 to $100 51500 and up 605665 5711) Yankton So Dokoto ANTIQUESAND COLLECTIBLES Consignments sought during June 22 24 for regular monthly antique ond collectibles auction at Meyers Public Auction 911 West Broadway Council Bluffs IA Sole dote Tues June 25 7pm 712322 6211 ANTIQUESAND URNITURE COSGROVE AUCTION 342 5254 ART NOUVEAU PARTNER'S DESK MAHOGANY 397 3764 ATTENTION dll antique buyers or dealers! I have an antique scale 100 vrs old food mixer plus a cast Iran cooking pot 5200besf otter 345597 AVON COLLECTIBLES 1948 to 1979 vintage 10 am to 4:30 pm 4721 Horrlson St 731 4335 BLACK HORSE ANTIQUES Open rl Sun 10 5 Tine furniture cupboards dry sink benches trunks hoosier wagons sleds brass iron beds fabulous quilts 1 mile west of Highway 31 Highway 64 then 2 miles north on County Road 80 (at Arington Training Stable) 289 4994 Elkhorn HOMA I OS needs housekeeper with car South Omaha oreo 33M637 LOVING live ln sitter for 2 girls In California room board salary Starting July 4 895 7321 MATURE woman desired as Ilve ln governess tor Omoha family with 3 young children Nursing or Teaching bpekpround preferred Excellent starting salary wlni vacation and benefits Interested parties send re sume references and photograph If desired to Omaha Worid Herald Box No 154 576O30 itthjodge Omaha 68102 MOTHER'S HELPER Come live work and play In Atlanta GA while coring for 2 small children for professional couple Some huht housekeeping Prefer non smoker with driver's license and references ismsa White male wants home health care old for all around work ull or part lime Light duflwCoirW 1617 InstrucHan 56 A Health Career In 8 Months? Omaha Col lose of Health Careers 1H18 Air Conditioning Refrigerationynhnjrsol Technical lr'l352 BARBER AND BEAUTY COLLEGE PRO ARTS Dav and ntohtclasses forming now Call Ken 346 7722 3504 Leavenworth DENTAL HYGIENIST PART TIME SW Omaha Excellent Salary DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Some evenings and alternate Satur day mornings Included in this full time position Compter experience helpful looking for positive self mo tivated Individual for our busy SW office Apply Mcn ri 8 5 Georgetown amily Dentistry 333 6080 HYGIENIST ull time Benefits Some evening ond Sat hours Call Ahn 397 4007 PROGRAMMER COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST Tram at the Institute of Computer Science Day and night classes start June 17th Placement and inancial Assistance available Call 393 7064 808 So 74th Plaza TENNIS lessons private and group 366 1083 323 7736 WORD PROCESSING SECRETARIAL SPECIALIST Train at the Institute of Computer Science Day and night classes start June 17th Placement and financial assistance available Call 393 7064 TO HIDDEN TREASURES CAN BE OUND WEDNESDAY HOUSEHOLD AUCTIONS CALLUS! OMAHA AUCTION CENTER Ltd 7531 Dodge St 402 397 9575 HUDGE CAST IRON sinks with fau cets $25 each Attractive yellow oc casional chairs pair $60 Self clean ing range excellent condition $125 Trash compactor $45 Nice baby stroller $15 Young girls English rid Ing clothes 54th DODGE 558 7396 HUTCH and buffet quality an tique $500 or best offer 455 4698 HUTCH and dining room set 1 year old $500 733 4742 KING SIZE Mediterranean bedroom set Very good shape $400 496 0197 KING SIZE Simmons Beautyrest mat tress and box springs 1 yr old Paid $550 Sell for $3fr)besf offer 330 4566 KING SIZE waterbed and dress ing table Make offer 895 1 606 KROELER Velvet sofa yellow and brown flower structurally sound needs cleaning $100 397 2321 LARGE SOA 8 matching pillows with 2 matching ottomans you con store in them very comfortable set LA BOY $20 Sofa $50 Car pet $30 Double Bed $20493 5084 MAPLE DINING ROOM SET table 6 choir buffet $100 341 4234 MATCH I NG couch loveseat and choir by Broyhill (beige) like brand new only 2 years old May sell pieces sep argtely 895 9634 MATCHING Sofa love sear and wing back chair Ethan Alien portable bar refrigeratar washer dryer All items excellent condition and work Ing 330 5954 60 ACCOUNTANT Central Neb CPA firm needs Senior Accountant 2 to 5 years' experience required Salary and fringe benefits negotiable No travel Send resume to Omaha World Herald Box No 161 450 840 14 Dodge Omaho 68102 ACTUARY NEEDED MAAA or equivalent needed 29 year old fast growing company writing mainly health with some life products needs Actuary Applicant must be qualified to sign quarterly and annual statements Must also be experienced In product development along with the drafting and filing of policies Selected applicant wilt be the only Actuary In the company ACCOUNTANT Immediate opening for experienced accountant for multi location whole saler GL preparation supervision of AP and payroll Computer exper ience necessary Great benefits and location Salary negotiable Call 73J 6200 1 Kitty) for appointment Helu Wanted Medical DENTAL ASSISTANT experienced full time profit shoring 339 3010 PHARMACIST Immediate opening for staff pharma cist In a 330 bed psychiatric hospital Position Includes clinical and dis pensing responsibilities Must be registered or eligible for registration In Missouri Hours: 8om Mon rl Salary negotiable based on experience Liberal benefits Contact the Director of Pharmacy ST JOSEPH STATE HOSPITAL Box 263 t) 6J)23jph'3'0 64502 Equal Emprtymenfopportunlty Affirmative Action PHYSICAL THERAPIST Excellent opportunity for Registered or reglstree eligible therapist to start a physical therapy deportment In highly professional setting tor Or thopedic and Sports Medicine prac tice In Omaha Excellent salary and comprehensive fringe benefits avall Send resume to: World Herald Box 1 51 300 740 Omaha Neb 68102 REDMAN NURSING HOME has a position open for a full time So cial Service Coordinator The candi date should nave a masters or a bachelors degree In social work from an accredited college with prefer ably 1 year experience In long term care Contact Jim Banark at Red man Nursing Home 4809 Redman Ave Omaha 402 455 5025 REERENCE LIBRARIAN Our Health Sciences Library Is seek ing a full time reference librarian Qualifications: MLS from an accre dited ALA Library School or mini mum Bachelors Degree with 3 yrs lospltalmedlcal library exper ence knowledge of on line blbllo traphlc searching Including MED ARS and BRS helpful Send resume Personnel Rushmore National Health System PO Box 6000 353 airmont Blvd Rapid City SD 57709 Or call 605341 8123 Immediate openings Excellent salary ond benefits Small friendly town Call Pat Maurer COLLECT at Bennett County Nursing Home Martin So Dakota 605 685 6622 RUSHMORE National Health System has an Immediate opening for Health Care Administrator for 20 bed hos pital with 30 bed nursing home and clinic Located In a western South Dakota community with population 1100 BA with nursing home license or eligible health care experience mandatory and strong accounting and financial skills required Call: 1 605 341 8123 or write Personnel Rushmore National Health System PO Box 6000 Rapid City SD 5H09 Equal Opportunity Employer Help Wanted Proftatenal 62 1 LIVE Out Teaching Parent needed to work In Innovative community based residential program for men tally retarded youth Excellent sala ry and fringe benefits Send resume to: Youth Care Inc 6936 Maple St Omaha NE 68104 ar call 402 572 607? by June 19th DENIAL ASSISTANT part time for our West Center and 73rd St office evenings 5:30 9 ond Saturday 8 2 Must be certified In rays Call 397 M53 ask for Dione DENTAL ASSISTANT Looking for a bright energetic chair side assistant In a busy progressive office Ray certified Experience helpful (but not necessary for the right person) 397 0777 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Needed Immediately full time for In ternal Medicine office Experience prelerred Medical background a must Please send resume and lob experience to Physicians' Clinic 10060 Regency Circle Omaha Neb 68114 ottn Judy NURSESAIDES HOME HEALTH AIDES SHITS ANDOR LIVE IN POSI TIONS YOU the backbone of the Nursing ield we need vou NOW Care for people In their homes or re lieve staff In Institutions Work full or part time or more Information call or stop In today Quality Care Nursing Service 6910 Pacific Suite 2W OfflceOpenMon rl9 3 An Equal Opportunity Employer NURSES RNSANDLPNS COME JQINOURTEAM! Take pride In providing the best there Is tg otter In patient care In the home andor staff relief Profession al opportunities are available Imme diately In your community Choose your hours shifts or more Infor mation call or come In today Quality Care Nursing Service 6910 Pacific Suite 200 Office Open Mon ri 9 3 An Equal Opportunity Employer NURSING ASSISTANTS 1 1 to full and part time Apply In person Millard Good Samaritan Center 12856 Deavllle Drive Omaha NE 68137 PART TIME RN LPN or OB GYN Office Call Mon rl 8 5 PM 554 0110 WRITE OR CALL: John Gammill President or David Dickey Executive VP Reserve National Insurance Co 6100 Grand Blvd Oklahoma City Okla homa 73118 (405) 7931 ADVERTISING Director for 3600 cir culation trl weeklv Must be exper ienced In newspaper advertising sales and haye the ability to manage a 2 person sales staff We wont an ag gressive enthusiastic person who works well with people Knowledge of coop advertising and ability to de velop covers for special sections a plus Salary commensurate with ex perience Excellent benefits avail able Send resume to: Kamal Sways Publisher Sidnev Tele AGGRESSIVE nationally established company seeking experienced home mortgage loan originator Good benefits and room for advancement Salary commensurate with qualifi cations Send resume to: Personnel PO Box 37215 Omaha Ne 68144 Equal Opportunity Employer mlvh ALCOHOLISM COUNSELER MUST be certified or certifiable by the Nebraska Division on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Apply: Greater Omaha Community Action Inc 1805 Harney 8 5 Mpn rl Applications will close June 21st Equal opportunity employer AVIATIONKING AIR CAPTAgt 4000 hr tololIOOOhr ME Wichita relocation reau irea Please mall resume to: light Department: POBox 8067 WIchTfo Ks 67208 COBOL INSTRUCTOR! Spa Local CPA firm seekfig moti vated Individual for Senior Accoun tant position Qualified gppicant will be a CPA or CPA candidate with 2 4 years public accounting experience Send resume gnd salary rCJory to: Amil A Chllese CPA 11354 Elm Omaha NE681fH CREDIT MERCHANDISING REPRESENTATIVE Leading national comrbny In dealer and consumer credit otters a chal lenging opportunity to Individuals seeking a career In ft credit field Sfiastff? candidate Mil receive the lob training In credit merchan dising which con feed fa a future management poslf on We are looking for on Individual with good personality Mho has the ambi tion fo learn nd grow in their lob Previous businessexperience or col ego training Is naLessarv Extensive travel required Good starting rplarv and excellent employee hneut sprojrm Help Wanted Pretentonal 62 DENTAL ASSISTANTZRECEPTIONIST SW Omaha Dental Office Exper lence necessary Benefits 333 1313 MANAGER ENG NEER NG AND MANUAC TURING OMAHA CO seeking experienced edu cated manager fo operate multi product metol manufacturing oper ation Must have proven design en glneelng and production manage ment skills Products are unique and good distribution Is Manager will have profit end loss statement and budget responsibil ities Excellent growth potential Please send resume and salary his tory In confidence to: OMAHA WORLD HERALD BOX 163 260 280 14 Dodge Omaha Ne 68102 POSITION VACANCIES? ull Time Respiratory Therapy Tech nldanRepIratorv Therapist pro gram director position available July 1 1985 RRT with a baccalaure ate degree In education or 2 years of experience on the faculty of a nation ally accredited Respiratory Therapy program required Additionally tour years of full time clinical exper ience required Salary negotiable ull time Surgical Technician pro gram director position available Au gust 15 1985 RN with three years of full time operating room experience required Salary negotiable Send resume to: Jerry otstrom Director East Grand orks Area Vocational Technical Institute Highway 220 North East Grand orks MN 56721 An Equal Opportunity Employer PROGRAMMER Wholesale distributor Honeywell DPS 6Level 6 experience preferred with minimum 3 yrs COBOL exper ience Send resume ana salary re quirements to: World Herald Box 15Q 320430 dmaho NE 68102 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Steel sendee center needs Structural Englngeer for steel fabrication esfl mating Experience ond Nebraska Engineering Certificate preferred Wining to locate In Norfolk HE Goad pay benefits Send resume: Norfolk I ran Metal Co Box 112 Norfolk NE6701 UME STUDY ENGINEER Locolmonufodurer needs Time Study Engineer Please send resume to: PO Box 3069 Omaha NE 68103 An Equal Opportunity Employer Iteto Wanted Ctetteal Offlot 64 Accountant 1 Office Manager This West Omaha Auto Dedftr Is look ing for an energetic Individual to till an office management position Re sponsibilities Include all accounting functions through closing accounts receivable and management of of fice personnel Accounting degree preferred Excellent benefits Send complete resume with salary re quirements to: Omaha World Herald BoxM 164 631 190 14th 8 Dodge OmohaNEWlD2 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ull time position In 3 person office Other clerical duties Experience necessary Salary commensurates Send resume to: Mr Marsh PO Box 37305 Omaha NE 68137 BOOKKEEPERPERSON RIDAY ull charge must have 3 4 years previous experience with excellent bookkeeping skills Small company ocated In Omaha Send resume In confidence to: Pa) Box 24550 Omoha 68124 0550 DATA ENTRY BOOKKEEPING Immediate opening for full time Individual to perform data entry functions for accounts payable Inventory payroll and general ledger Also various bookkeeping and reconciliation Junctions CRT experience preferred Excellent Ipcatlon and flexible time scheduleil7WW(Kltty) tor appt DATA ENTRY OPERATORS Data entry service bureau has full time openings for first und second Silft prefer experience and 10000 strokes will consider trainees 55 WPM Greoj opportunity for best operators (15000 KS) to earn top wages or personal Interview call Lori 34M644! 3571) arnam St Equal Opportunity Employer DATA PROCESS ING MANAGER Strong communicative and manage ment organizational skills required Omaha based firm seeking an Indi vidual with leadership abilities to take charge of small to medium sized shop Experience In cobol on line programming networking pro tect management and systems pro gramming desirable Bachelors de gree preferred Experience may substitute for education Please send resume and salary history In confi dence to Omaha world Herald Box 1 63 260 270 14 DODGE Omaha Ne 68102 DENTAL ASSISTANT ull Time CDA in the Southwest area 330 5913 1 DENTAL HYGIENIST Part time Cull Peg ot 558 5121' ELECTRICAL STA ENGINEER535 545000 EE 10 years experience designing repairing and rebuilding power transformers and large electrical apparatus Send resume with salary to Rohrberg RELIABLE EXEC TECH SEARCH 11318 Davenport St Atrium South Omaha 4Q2 33O 2814 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Responsibilities Include Improve ments and upgrades fo the district's four hydro plants lOtMW gas and oil fired steam plant microwave system and SCADA system Exper ience In SCADA and communica tions desirable BSEE required Sal ary commensurate tlons range 526W0 to $34000 Apply to Don Krays Chief Electrical Engi neer The Central Nebraska Public Power and rrlgatlon District 4th and Lincoln Holdrege NE 68949 EMPLOYEE BENEITS ANALYST Leading employee benefits consulting firm In Kansas City needs accurate experienced Individual to loin record keep ng staff Must be team oriented with Initiative and ability to work un der demanding circumstances Col lea degree with experience In the find contribution plan accounting ond computer systems desired Send resume to: SHERRILL RUSSELL EXPERIENCED travel agent needed for aroe corporate office Excellent benefits and salary Only agents with a mlnumum of one year exper lence need apply 399 8228 Denise ULL TIME Dental Assistant needed tor HjsvSW oral surgery office Call3932758 ULL TIME SOCIAL WORKER BS Become port of the exciting and rewarding field of Geriatrics Join our progressive foam Apply 8 4 Lfrt North Crest Care Center 34 North Crest Dr Co Bluffs I A Equal Opportunity Employer GREAT OPPORTUNITY or an aggressive person with at least 5 vrs experience In mechanical and plumbing systems estimating and prolect management on commer cial governmental Institutional and Industrial prelects Our newly formed company Is seeking a profes sional Individual with good commu nication skills and the desire to ex cel If you meet these requirements send resume to Omaho World Her ald 14th Dodge box 1501706M Omaho Neb 68102 A1! resumes will be kept strictly confidential LOOKING for Intelligent person to write sheet music will pay It Inter ested send Inquiries to PSK Prodyc tlons317 27 Ave 10 Omaha 68131 USE CLASSIIED ADS BRIAR CLI COLLEGE ACCOUNTANT CONTROLLER Accountant Controller will assume all the accounting and financial (unctions and have direct supervision of busin ss office student accounts audit preparation and Vnanclal reporting Strong emphasis on computer ized accounting systems and analysis Will be contin ually Involved with Implementation of new software Will asst the vice president with purchasing personnel In ver rents and special projects Must have Bachelor Decree in accounting and extensive experience on a er rnputerized system Interested persons should submit rrume along with salary expectations to: Bruce Vflese Briar Cliff College vice President for inancial liavelopement 3303 Rebecca Sioux City la 51104 if you JOIN OUR TEAM EXCITING NEW SENIOR MATIAS Cook days Apply In person 2505 So 90th St EXPERIENCED CHE or KITCHEN MANAGER for a Central Wyoming full service convention center Minimum 5 years experience Send resume' with references and salary history to: World Herald Box 164 440 920 14th Dodge Omaha NE 68102 WORD PROCESSORS Immediate opening for individual with experience on IBM Word Displayw riter to work in our administrative area Qualifications: Typing of 70 wpm and transcription editing Day hours HELPER Part or full time Nights No Sundays Experience preferred APPLY IN PERSON: GORATS 49th Center Positions Available at: 2955 arnam St Management Bakers Butchers Register Operators Grill ry Cooks Kitchen Prep Applications will be at: 8141 West Center Road Mon rl After 8 AM Attn: Bob Cooper SNELLING AND SNELLING WlAPocIflc 13057W Center Rd 554 1100 33M10(j SECRETARY INORMATION DESK High school graduote with 1 year of secretarial experience and 70 wpm typing Prefer data entry exper ience Excellent salary and benefit package Part time llpm 7am week ends 3pm I weekday and 1 weekend SECRETARY 2 person downtown taw office needs part time experienced help Re quires typing on word processing and phgne skills Hours and salary negotiable Call Cindy at 341 7710 BINDERY ORMAN Rapidly growing company needs a level headed experienced bindery fqrman Must have ability to set up bindery equipment from start to fin ish Including: folders stitchers cut ters drills punch and bind equip ment perforators etc This person must be able to take charge of people and equipment The position otters a good starting salary wllh regular In creases for a self starter with ambi tion to help our company grow Please send resume and salary re quirement to World Herald Box 156 270 270 Ontaho NErilO2 DRYWALL Taper wonted Hourly ana subs Experience necessary ra'laEtyE WMeCr ship experience but not required Apply In person Jim Baier ATCHLEY ORD 3633 No 72nd ST 571 8832 Hrip Wanted CtubteReiteurente 66 SAINT JOSEPH CENTER OR MENTAL HEALTH 819 DORCAS ST OMAHA NEBgWKA 68108 AN AMI HEALTH CARE ACILITY Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST We are a small commercial contrac tor seeking a permanentpart time general office secretary with good typing and bookkeeping skills Hours are flexible 25 30 nrsweek salary negotiable with experience Call 339 4183 Mon ri between and for appointment SECRETARY Upland Industries Corp has a secre tarial position available in finance and administration Qualified candi date should heve previous exper ience with an I BM XT Display Write 2 and LOTUS 123 software programs are used The candidate must hove pood statistical typing skills Short hand would be helpful An excellent salary and benefit program will be offered If you have above qualifica tions and are interested please send resume or coll Susan Wooldridge for appointment (402 280 4810 UPLAND INDUSTRIES CORP 302 36lh St Omaha Ne 68131 An Equal Opportunity Employer mf SERVICE coordinator for heating AC Co Wages commensurate with experience Immediate opening Ap ply in person 1701 No 74tn St IMPERIAL PALACE Now accepting applications for exper ienced Bus help Must be pyer 16 Apply In person 2 108th West Dodge Old Mill Shopping Center No phone calls please LUNCHEON PREP COOK ull time Days Experience and references Apply in person 9 11 am or 1 3 pm STEAK HOUSE 1620 South I Oth St NOWHIRING ARMER BROWN'S STEAKHOUSE Accepting applications for full time ond part time positions Walters Waitresses hostess bartenders cocktail servers dishwashers bus persons kitchen staff cleaning personnel Apply In person 1 3 Sat Sun June 15 16 1406 Gold Cost Rd Papillion Ne AUTOMOTIVE TECHNIC AN Due to Increase service business hove an urgent need for certH lecnntciun in our spfv possess 2 or more years experience have your own hand tools and lake pride In your workmanship we otter you unlimited earning potential and excellent benefits if you feel limited jn your present position we want to talk to you or a confidential Inter view call HARRY LARSON be tween 8 AM and 5 PM Mon thru ri BEARDMORE Suburban Chevrolet Inc Ml Souffiof uthroads Line workers for Mexican food exper ience preferred must have good lob record Too pay tor top people Ap plv In person 9om 11am 4411 Center RALSTON SPAGHETTI WORKS Now taking applications for dishwash ers Must be able to work weekends Apply In person at 8531 Park Dr RALSTON SPAGHETTI WORKS Looking tor sharp responsible wait persons Must be 21 and able to work weekends ond lunches Apply In per sonal8531 Park Dr RY COOKS Uniform furnished paid vacation In surance benefits Apply In person Truck Haven Cafe 1 80 Hwy 50 located In Sapp Bros Truck Plaza 132 nd 8 Center Good working conditions ond a Plea sent environment for a few more people in WAITERY ond BAR TENDING Apply ot: 2510 So 132nd AUTO MECHANIC' Prefer foreign car experience Good working conditions and benefits Contact Mel Tarr at OLD MILL TOYOTA 496 4444 AUTO MECHANIC Experienced ord mechanic looking for secured future Excellent bene fits ond location In south central NE Send resume to: Omaha World Her ald Box M162 29O 440 14th Dodge Omoha NE 68102 Help Wanted Clerical tOffice 64 BANK POSITIONS Wanted full and part time tellers and a customer service representative Experience helpful Coll tor appoint ment 558 8000 TEAM MEMBERS WANTED MUST be able to work any hours Apply In person: Church's ried Chicken 4105 30th St WAITERwaltress with bartending experience wanted Apply Rusty Noll Inn 142nd Pacific WAITRESSWAITER KITCHEN HELP Oriental Secret 1120 Howard St WE ARE looking for part time exper ienced kitchen help Must know how to prep clean and have good cooking skills Please apply In person be tween 11 AM 2 PM Mon thru ri Ask for Dodv 12015 Blondo Miss Kitty's Saloon No phone calls ttelp Wanted Tedinlcri TredM 61 3RD GRADE ENGINEER Operate boilers ot targe apartment complex Could be retired person to work full or part time Reply ta PO Box 31634 Omaha 68131 HIGH TECH JOBS: Ages 17 26 must relocate 558 1576 AUTO AND TRUCK MECHANIC oreign and domestic experience Roll cabinet required Night hours Paul's Sinclair 13205 Millard Ave AUTO MECHANIC or Lincoln Mercury AMC and Renault Contact Glen at: METRO MOTORS 397 8200 COCKTAIL PERSON pr Old Market Pub Neat hard work ing Nights only 551 2515 COCKTAIL WAITRESS Wolter Experience preferred Weekends Apply in person Time Clock Lounge 4601 90 St COOK SHORTORDER Must be fast and dependable with cof fee shop experience Top pay for right person Opportunity for ad vancement Apply In person How ord Johnson Restaurant 361)6 72nd COOK WANTED: Nights 30 35 hrs Per week Experience necessary Apply In person only after 1pm at NANNA'S 3821 CENTER EXPERIENCED CLERICALO ICE CANDIDATES Mony positions available Call 392 1805 REPUBLIC PERSONNEL EXPERIENCED Secretaries and Bookkeepers All ees Paid OICE MATES 5 Coll 397 8320 LARGE well established general in surance agency in Kearney Neb needs an experienced Commercial Lines Service Representative Ex cellent salary gnd benefits Send re sume to Box 429 Kearney Ne 68847 LEGAL SECRETARY West Omaha law firm previous tow office experience necessary Salary to commensurate with experience Excellent benefit package Reply to: World Herald Box 164 251 060 14th 8 Dodge Omoha NE 68102 LEGAL Secretary to serve as court baliff and secretory to judge Posi tion requires person with cheerful ond strong personality able fo work with attorneys and lurors and have excellent typing spelling shorthand and word processing skills Salary 517610 plus benefits Resume should be submitted to Darwin Severson Jr District Court Administrator Hall of Justice Omaha Ne 68183 by 62185 CABINET MAKER with exper lence 331 0251 CARPET LYER'ShelPer need ex perience Coll 779 2034 CEMENT INISHEROREMAN Good position oben tor a lead man ca pable of running a small crew oot ings and block work experience help ful WR Knox Construction Inc Ap CRANE OPERATOR for bridge work Beckenbauer Construction Inc DRATPERSON MECHANICAL 3 mo Summer position 2 years' mlnl mum experience 328 74 ext 306 LEGAL SECRETARY or single practitioner' Excellent transcription skills required Satary $13 000 516 OOP 592 5770 LIE Insurance Agency Secre tary Experienced 397 1797 LOAN CLOSER Closing secretory tor high volume mortgage lender Experience in HA VA and Conventional' loans necessary Salary commensurate Silh experience Send resume to: maha World Herald 14th Dodge Box 161200110 Omaha Ne 68102 OICE MANAGER Hlllhaven Omaha a skilled nursing facility Is accepting applications for a Business Office Manager Appli cants must have one fo two years of Business School or College Including Accounting courses Previous exper ience In management supervision and business office funcflons pre ferred Apply In person: HILLHAVEN Omaha 7410 Mercy Rd Equal Opportunity Employer MH RECEPTIONISTTyplst Physicians office full time Mature and depend able Previous medical office exper ience preferred Please send re sumes to: ischer 820 No 122 Court Omaha NE 68154 SECRETARIAL POSITION In branch office offering Industrial products Typing transcription fil ing answer phones excellent com munication skills some pricing of products light shipping and receiv ing manthly reports and record keeping South Central Omaha loca tion Excellent salary and benefits package Send resume to: PO Box 27 07 Ra ston NE 68127 BARTENDER wanted part time See Kafhv (tolorodos Lounge 8414 St BARTENDER ULL OR PART TIME LouXrX'HKdiol DELI SALES WORKER Experience helpful full time Apply in person THE OOD GOURMET 10922 Elm Rockbrook Vliloge 397 03IJ DISC JOCKEY WANTED for night club must be experienced 5 nights a week top pay Send resume to Box 161 160 020 Omaha World Herold Omaha Ne 681 02 DISHWASHER SALAD MAKER WAITERSWAITRESSES Uniform furnished paid vacation In surance benefits Apply In person Truck HovenCate 1 80 8 Hwy 50 located In Sopp Bros Truck Plaza TYPISTS NEEDED! OLSTEN TEMPS 330 5201 Help Wanted Ciibt Rwteurante 66 BARTENDERS WAITRESSESWAITERS ull and part time Apply at: KELSO'S LOUNGE 120th 8 ort BREAKAST COOK part time 2 yrs experience preferred apply in per son Home Style Cafe 8807 Maple BUS HELP DAYS AND EVENINGS APPLY 4 PM 5 PM IN PERSON JOHNNY'S CAE 27th BUS HELP ull time or part time 19 years of age or older Good earnings steady work Apply In person to Charlotte ailer4PM: NEW TOWER INN 78th 8 Dodge St 393 5500 Ext 392 OiiaNECKtl.
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