Hearing the word, weed eater for the first time, what would come to mind will most likely not be related to an engine or equipment, which it is.This tool is used to get rid of the weeds from lawns and gardens; it comprises a trimmer head, an engine, and a rotary motion handle.
In some instances, even with proper upkeep and maintenance, equipment used frequently tends to malfunction, and that does not exclude our main focus in this article, the hyper tough weed eater.Some of these problems are easy to fix while some others may require a professional or a complete engine change.
Like most tools often used, there’s a high chance of encountering two or more problems with a piece of equipment like the hyper tough weed eater. Some of these problems include; difficulty starting, leakage of fuel, the head refuses to spin, electrical-related problems, etc.
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About Hyper Tough Weed Eaters.
Upon its invention in 1971, its inventor, George Ballas, gave the name’ weed eater’ for its aptness in plugging out unwanted grass and groundcovers on lawns. Other generic names used to refer to this garden tool are a bush cutter, weed whip, weed whacker, and line or string trimmer, which have similar mechanical features in terms of capacity as a lawnmower.
They are made to use a single strand of artificial fiber; this line of thread is fastened to the cutting head part of the tool, which rotates in cutting as many plants as possible. Several designs of the weed eaters are manufactured with engines that function with gasoline, battery, or electricity.
The gasoline-designed engines are powdered with a mixture of gas and oil, while those designed to work with battery and electricity are effective as soon as they have power. The gas-powered weed eaters could either have a 2-cycle engine or a 4-cycle engine.
Problems With Hyper Tough Weed Eaters
Internal Combustion Engine Problems
This forms the electric spark that ignites the weed eater; this problem results from a spark plug that could be faulty or dirty. When a tool has not been in use for a long time, there’s chance dirt will accumulate over time or even become faulty.
Solution: To solve this, a thorough cleansing of the spark plug is required, favorably with a wire brush to remove the dirt; this can restore the connection, which allows the equipment to work in order. For a faulty spark plug, changing the plug cover will be required.
Failure to Start
This problem is mainly associated with the gasoline-powered weed eater as it is designed to work with fuel, and without the required amount of fuel, it most definitely will not work. The first and most crucial step is to confirm the equipment has the necessary amount of fuel or power to work effectively.
Solution: Makesure there is no leftover gasoline from a long time ago in the engine, clear out if there is, and replace it with new gasoline. The suitable mixture for the gasoline-powered weed eater is 40-part unleaded petrol to a 1-part 2-cycle oil.
Electrical-related Problems
A weed eater could have a long list of electrical problems; one common problem is a faulty source of power or conductor.
Solution: Switchthe old conductor for a new one as the former might be faulty. Try restarting your weed eater again, and make sure it is secured solidly to the source from which it is powered.
Stalls Immediately After Starting
A small screen stops the engine from producing sparks in the weed eater. The small screen is known as the spark arrestor. It can be blocked by some aspects like the incomplete combustion of oil that can hinder motion which may cause the engine to stall.
A clogged carburetor can also cause the weed eater to stall; this mostly happens when fuel has been leftover over a long time in the string trimmer part of the weed eater.
Solution: To stop the engine from stalling, unblocking the spark arrestor by replacing it with a new one or removing it to brush off any impurities that might have clustered in it. If the carburetor is clogged, try cleaning it with a carburetor cleaner. If not effective, replace the carburetor altogether.
Leaking Fuel
Most problems relating to leaking fuel has to do with the gasoline-powered weed eater. It could either be a broken tank cap or a leaking fuel line.
Solution: The tank’s cap should be safely firm in place as this might be the leakage. Changing the fuel with a new one also works, that is, if the tank’s cap is not broken.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
How do I turn on my hyper-tough weed eater?
This depends on the model, either the gasoline-powered or the electrical-powered weed eater, and the manufacturer’s design. On most weed eaters, there is usually an on and off switch on the electric weed eater, just like most home appliances, while the gasoline-powered weed eater turns on with the help of a purge valve.
Which manufacturer makes a hyper tough weed eater?
The ALM manufacturing in the United Kingdom.
What fuel mixture is appropriate for the gasoline-powered hyper tough weed eater?
As stated above, a ratio of 40 part unleaded gasoline to a 1 part 2-cycle oil which, if calculated, equals 3.2 ounces of oil to 1 gallon of regular gas.
Why is my weed eater flooded?
This happens when the carburetor is flooded with too much gas. To solve this problem, follow users guide on manual.
Before purchasing a hyper tough weed eater, you should assess these problems to know what you are getting into, although you should also consider its effectiveness in keeping lawns clean. Note that there’s always a downside to everything, which does not exclude the hyper tough weed eater.