(ENG) D&D - Creature Catalog - Flip eBook Pages 101-130 (2024)

- I_ ,. ” ._ ,. ,. - ,. -j ,* ,., r. ,.~ I. r. c ,.~ c. -_. Armor Class: 8 must be made Damage: ld4 (ld12) ld4 (ld4) Id2 (1 Fighter: 2 Fighter day. When the 8 hit points a L. , a and will do 3d6 points defeated a second time hen it attacks. I1 I Tmin: Any. t

s Id6 points of damage, and t make a saving throw vs. throw vs. poison or be ider uses this attack to take The web of the ider is as strong as the webs are in contact web at a single opponent up re hit by the strand must make is at +1 or be paralyzed. The b strands to trap victims in a c; Sand: Cavern, Armor: 6 Hit Dice: 1+3* (SI Move: 120' (40' Attacks: 1 bite Damage: ld6+poison No. Appearing: ld4 (44) Save As: Fighter: 1 Morale: 8 Treasure Type: U Intelligence: 2 Alignment Neutral XP Value: 19 Mmter Tp: Lowlife (Comma@+ Huge wood sbiders live in areas of dark, tangled woodlands. Theq spiders are three feet long, have long legs, and are green with irregular brown stripes. These allow them to blend in with the surrounding foliage, gaining surprise on a roll of 1-4 on ld6. They have sticky pads on their feet which they use to cling to the sides of trees and even the undersides of branches. While searchmg for prey, huge wood spiders lurk in the branches of trees, waiting to leap down on any passing creature. Their bite delivers a mild poison which inflicts an additional ld8 points of damage and makes the victim sluggish for 2d4+2 rounds (both effects negated by a successful saving throw vs. poison at +2). Sluggish creatures roll for initiative with a penalty of -2 and move at half speed until the effects wear off. Wood imps (page 112) use these spiders as mounts and extract their poison to envenom weapons. Only wood imps can control the spiders enough to get them to secrete the~v~~v~om~~~extra~ed~a~d~i~. Terrain: Woo+ I I Spider, Huge Wood

Squid, Giant Armor Class: 7 Hit Dice: 6 0.) We: AIXacks: Damage: NO. Appearing: Save As: Treasure Type: Intelligence: Alignment XP Value: 3 - Morale: 120’ (40’) 10 tentacles/l bite ld4 (x10)AdlO 0 (ld4) Fighter: 3 7 V 2 Neutral 275 Monster T@: Giant Animal (Rare). The giant squid lives in deep ocean waters, rising to the surface only to hunt. It rarely (25%) attacks ships, preferring to pick off individual sailors. Against individuals, it attacks with all tentacles for automatic constridon damage after each hit. Any ,of the eight lesser tentacles can be severed with a single blow that does 6 or more points of damage, while the two greater tentades can only be severed by a Mow d 10 points of damage or greater. Agajmt a ship, a giant squid does ldlO points of bull damage with its two greater tentacles and then attacks with its beak for 2 points per rod If its mode fails, the squid flees at triple speed, leaving great clouds of ink (30-foot radius, 2 times per day) to confuse pursuers. The battles bemeen legendarily massive giant squid: and other massive denizens of the deep are part of the lore ofthe oceans. Sailors have reported titanic struggles between giant squids and huge whales, Ocean leviaA thans, and mashers. Terrain: Ocean. I Steam Weevil I Occasionally, because of volcanic or other seismic activity, a swarm of steam weevils my be carried to fhe ouwide world in a blast of steam or lava. They cannot live long in the relatively cold atmosphere, but they can be a dangerous enemy to any nearby creatures in the 1-4 hours before they die. A person caught m the midst of a steam weevil swarm suffers 4 points of damage per round from bu swarm is at full strength. A swam takes up an area roughly 5 feet wide by 5 feet long by 5 feet high. Nate that

a swarm can only attack one creature or character at a time. Smoke and fire do not bother steam weevils, but water damages them if it is splashed on the swarm (roll to hit AC 7). Characters may scoop water from a puddle or a stream with their hands, or they may uncover a water container and attempt to douse the bugs that way. For each splash on the swarm, the damage that the steam weevils can inflict is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). Therefore, if two splashes have hit the swarm, the swam does only 2 points of damage. Twain: Cavern, Mountain (volcanic area). Strangle Vine Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage: No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Intelligence: Alignment XP Value: 9 8 hp per 1' square (S to L) 0' 1 Special See below Normal Man 12 U 0 Neutral 10 per 1' square Monster Tm: Lowlife (Rare). A strangle vine looks like ldlO ordinary creepers (up to 20 feet long) dangling from the branches of a tree. It is touch-sensitive and attempts to entangle any individual moving into or through it. Creatures moving throught the vines must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or become entangled. Entangled victims suffer ld4 points of strangulation damage per round and, since the vine is fdy anchored to its tree, can even be pulled off their feet. A character with a Strength of 6 or more has a 5% chance of breaking free of the vine by tugging at it, but the more a victim struggles, the tighter the vine clings. Weaker characters have a greater chance of escaping than strong ones. For each point of Strength under 6, the chance increases by 5% (for example, 20?! for Strength 3). An alternative means of breaking free is to cut away a sufficient area of vines (8 hp per square foot) with an edged weapon. Characters caught in the vine may attack it with a penalty of -4 to attack rolls. An area equal to the height of the character being attacked needs to be cleared to break free. Alternatively, if the the entire area taken up by the plant is cleared, the victim will be released. Twain: Woods, Jungle, Swamp. Strangleweed Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Damage: No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Intelligence: Alignment: XP Value: Attacks: 1 12' (L) 0' Special Special 0 (ld3+1) Fighter: 6 12 J-N, L +2 magical items 0 Neutral 2,125 Monster TW: Lowlife (Rare). Strangleweed looks like normal seaweed, but if any creature comes within 10 feet of this carnivorous plant, it will reach out to grab it. Strangleweed attacks are handled in a special way. The player and the DM each roll 4d6 and add 4 (characters also add any Strength bonuses/penalStrannlewepri - A-

P J ues). If the vicum s (player’s) total is twice that of the weed (the DM), the victim has escaped. If the victim’s roll is less than twice the weed‘s but still exceeds it, no damage is done but the victim is held tight. If the weed beats the viaim’s roll, the difference is the damage done to the victim in hit points. Furthermore, all damage inflicted is subtracted from the victim‘s subsequent rolls, but the maximum damage the strangleweed can inflict on its opponent is the total of its roll plus 4. Other characters thick green fur, and a hors oison quills, similar to a porcupine’s, lie beneath its shaggy fur. In melee each attacker must make a saving throw vs. magic wands to avoid the quills; if this is failed, a saving throw vs. poison must be made. If the saving throw vs. poison is successflll, the quills inflict Id6 points of damage; if failed, the attacker also contracts a rotting disease. This causes 1 point of damage per round thereafter, prevents the curing v/ of anywounds, andcanonlybestopped bya curediseuse &k is a ~v~o~s man-eater ht ly branes. They give off a stench of rot that can be smelled In combat, tabi fight with their sharp claws which drip low- and momw foMls. me creature is he size of a we m, 6 a gi;ant serpent’s head, tmohe feet, at up to 100 feet. They are intelligent and clever. a crystal blue venom. Anyone hit by a tabi must make a 0 The tabi are small, winged, ape-like creatures about the size of a large housecat. Their bodies are covered with - c --- - Moltsta long, golden fur while their wings are leathery mem- FJ#E: Monster (Very k).

saving for 2d6 turns or until the victim. Tabi also then hide while it will be absolute 8.”--see below) (L) TreasureType: Nil Intelligence: 5 I Topi 1 rhead is a black, reptilian creatures as lar ar horse with ease. Any c eaten by the thunderhead. If a thunderhead fa snatch a victim, it will either fire another lightning bo (1-2 on Id61 or else attempt another grab (3-6 on ld6). Thunderheads encountered outside of thunderstorms have only 8 Hit Dice and save as 8th-level fighters. Terrain: Aerial. Load G Barding Multiplier: As per small dragons. Topi Move: Attacks: Damage: No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Intelligence: Alignment: XP Value: 120’ (40‘) 2 claws Id6/1d6+special 2d4 (5d6) Fighter: 2 12 Nil 2 Chaotic 50 Monster Tp: Undead (Very Rare). Topis are undead human or humanoid creams similar to zombies. Before these creatures are animated, however, the corpses are shrunk until they are only two feet tall, giving them dark, wrinkled, leathay skin. This process is long and complex, and is known only to certain primitive tribes. Topis are more agile than normal zombies. They roll for initiative as usual, and can leap up to six feet (vertically or horizontally) when attacking. Any creature struck by a topi’s claw must make a saving throw vs. pison or fall victim to a venom which acts like a slow spell and lasts for 1-2 turns. Nonedged weapons inflict only half damage on topis, although a successful hit with such a weapon wid-

1 . knock a topi off balance, making it unable to attack in the next round. Topis are immune to mind-affecting spells such as deep, cham and holdspells. Clerics have the same chance of turning topis as of turning wights. entrances and then die. An armorer can fashion a suit of lightweight plate mail armor (AC 1) from 25 fresh tortle's egg shells. Terrain: Open, Swamp, Wood "kiton Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Jungle, Armor Class: 6, 5, or 4 (see below) (see below) (M, lbrtle Morale: 11 Trea~~eType: V IntelHgence: 8 xp value: 75 Alignpent Lawful A

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare). Tritons look very much like mermen, having human torsoes and fish-like tails. The only differences are cultural (the braiding of their hair and their use of shells to adorn themselves, etc.) and their innate ability to cast spells. Tritons usually ride giant sea horses and carry tridents or spears. Like some of the other civilized sea races, they live in large cities on the ocean floor. Triton cities are works of art, built in picturesque undersea locations which enhance the beauty of the city. Often these cities are built from coral which has been carried many miles by the tritons. Tritons have variable Hit Dice and abilities. A'triton can cast clerical or magic-user spells (50% chance of either, but not both). A 5 HD triton, therefore, casts spells either as a 5th-level cleric, or as a 5th-level magic-user. Spell-casting tritons rarely learn fire-based spells such asfireballor wall offire. Tewuin: Ocean. Vi lire, Nosferatu" .- Armor Class: 2 Hit Dice: 7-'P (M) Move: 120' (40') Flying 180' (609 Attacks: Damage: No. Appearing: ld4 (ld4) Save As: Morale: 11 Treasure Type: F Intelligence: As former character XP Value: 1 bite, weapon or special ld4 (bite), by weapon type, or hy magic type Former character class at equivalent level Alignment: hY 1,250 (7 HD), 1,750 (8 HD), 2,300 (9 HD) if fighter or thief; 1,650, 2,300, 3,000 if magic-user or cleric Monster Type: Undead (Very Rare). The nosferatu is a special vampire. It has all the powers and weaknesses of vampires except as noted below. Nosferatu are turned as vampires. The nosferatu does not drain energy levels. It drinks blood. It only regenerates 1 hit point of damage per round. The nosferatu's victims return from the dead three days later only ifthe nosferatu intended for them to do so.

The nosferatu retains its character class, skills, powers, and restrictions in its. undead form-at the level it had attained when it died, or at the level of its new hit dice, whichever is greater. This makes the nosferatu very unpredictable-it could have the spells of a 9thlevel cleric in addition to its undead abilities, for instance. DMs should design each nosferatu separately, giving each distinct skills or spells. These undead can be of any alignment. Fighter and cleric nosferatu can wear armor (though it does no good unless it provides an AC better than 2). Cleric nosferatu can only commandundead, never turn them. Very old nosferatu can operate in sunlight. Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Settled. Vampire H search of prey. Their thorny stalks whip around victim, inflicting ld8 points of damage. The thorns are hollow, and once the stalk has struck the vampire rose will automatically drain ld8 points of blood per round. The plant also injects a hypnotic anaesthetic into a victim's bloodstream. Victims must make a saving throw vs. spells or lose all willpower, allowing the plant to continue draining blood until they die. Mer a vampire rose has completely drained a victim, its blooms will be colored red instead of white. Terrain: Open, Ruins, Woods, Jungle, Swamp. Armor Class: 3 Hit Dice: 7" Move: 180' (60') Attacks: 1 touch or special Damage: l&+energy drain or special No. Appearing: 0 (1) Save As: Fighter: 9 Morale: 11 Treasure Type: F Intelligence: 10 Alignment Chaotic XP Valuc A b c

Whatever its form, i und (except for firc maged. However, ” points, it does not r current and flees to whole day. Fire and until the velya reach In shark or manta attacks, and damagc velya’s Armor Class, I remain unchanged. attack, but can swim all weapon attacks. I inflict any damage o In human form, a \ or may summon 0th inflicts an energy dra ence) in addition to 1( song can cham (as d hearing the song mu or be charmed. The away, but it can 0.1, of the velya. Once a successful ter is immune to the charm is dispelled, t the velya’s song un saving throw. velya are normallj can summon 3d6 m relya regenerates 2 hit points per 3r acid damage) as soon as it is ’ a velya is reduced to zero hit ;enerate, but becomes a water j crypt where it must rest for a cid damage is not regenerated and rests in its crypt, iy form, the velya’s movement, are those of that animal. The t Dice, morale and saving throws 3 water form, a velya cannot t 180’ per turn and is immune to me spells may it. lya may attack creatures. The touch of a velya L (removing one level of exp ,points of damage. The creatu * chmperson spell). Any victim make a saving throw vs. spells ong can be heard up to a mile :harm characters within 200 feet ving throw is made, that characrelya’s song for 24 hours. If the : character is still susceptible to she or he makes a successful iccompanied by Id6 wighb, sild <o sharks from up to one mile away. The sharks a in ld4 rounds ifthey are close a velya will return from death the control of the velya. through an ancient A velya is unable to approacn presented holy symbol, from another direction. or they will instantly velya are unafand forgotten curs( a higher. In the latter case, lqwever, the die roll for the number of Hit Dice of undead destroyed must equal or swamps. Swamp velyas can eel, or a water curre summon 3d6 crocodi they instantly disintegrate. As lon Amor Class: 1 Damage: l+drowning No. Appearing: Id2 (Id21 Save As: Fighter: 6 Morale: 12 TreasureType: I Intelligence: 2 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 50 Monster T@e: Enchanted (Very Rare). A water weird is a magical creature made of wat which lives in a pool or another body of water. It attac all living things that disturb it, feeding on the life forc I

-u frome if hard presse In combat weird le enemies within 10 s from the water in 2 ng a normal attack, scirxts. Uncomci to a weirds tota 2 melee rounds. movement and only attacks every second round), but fire-based spells do only half or none of their normal damage (a successful saving throw results in no damage). A punyy food and water spell kills water weirds immediately. All other attacks do not harm them. Larger water weirds are possible. For every adc, tional 3 Hit Dice, the weird’s Armor Class is improved by 2, damage is increased by 1, attack range is increased by 5 feet, and victim’s saving throws and attacks are made with additional penalties of -2. Terrain: Cavern (in water), River/Lake, Ocear Whipweed

Momter Type: Lowlife (Rare). This strange plant has two thin, whip-like stalks growing from a roughly spherical, gourd-like base. The stalks are light green in color, with thin yellowish stripes running up their centers. The base is a nondescript brown with faint tan and cream-colored veinings. In fully grown specimens, the stalks measure up to 15 feet long, and the base is about three feet in diameter, with many short, tough roots sprouting from underneath. In fact, the whipweed is able to control these roots and may withdraw them from the earth in order to move around, albeit very slowly. The plant will attack anything that moves within the range of its stalks, each one striking as a 3 Hit Dice monster and attacking different targets if two or more creatures are within range. Once hit, the victim suffers ld8 points of damage from the highly acidic sap secreted by the stalks and must also make a saving throw vs. death ray or be entungled(unab1e to attack, cast spells, or move until a successful saving throw is made). Entangled victims continue to automatically suffer ld8 points of damage each round until released by the destruction of the stalk or by breaking free. They may make a saving throw vs. death ray every round they are entangled to try and break free. If one or both of the stalks is destroyed, the base is not affected, and will regrow damaged stalks in ld4+1 days. If the base is destroyed, the whipweed dies, but the stalks will go into a mad frenzy for one melee round before wilting. During this round, each stalk will make three whiplash attacks, inflicting Id6 points of damage for each successful attack (but no chance to entangle, and no acid damage). Terrain: Cavern, Open, Ruins, Woods, Jungle, Swamp. White-Fang -7 hor Class: 4 Hit Dice: G*' (L) Move (surface): 180' (60') Swimming 120' (40') Burrowing (snow) 90' (30') Burrowing (ice) Attacks: Damage: No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Intelligence: Alignment XP Value: 45' (15') 1 bite/l tail lash 2db+poison/Zd6 Id3 (Id31 Fighter: 6 10 Self 3 Neutral 725 t Monster Type: Monster (Rare). White-fangs are snake-like creatures between 15 and 20 feet long, distantly related to white dragons. They are covered all over in soft, pure white fur except for their heads which are encased in scale-like plates of white ivory. They are equally at home in the depths of icy caverns, in the freezing waters of arctic seas, or in windswept, snowbound wildernesses. White-fangs are capable of keeping the temperature of their skin the same as their surroundings, thus making them 80% undetectable by infravision. This, and their coloration, gives them excellent camouflage in their native environments. White fangs surprise opponents on a roll of 14 on ld6. Although they can move swiftly over open ground, white-fangs prefer to move unseen and attack from concealment. They can swim well, burrow through snow and ice with ease, and also have very sensitive infravision which enables them to detect warm crea-

tures through 30 feet of snow, ice, or water, or up to 120 feet away in the open. The creature's main attack is a bite by a pair of needle-sharp fangs. In addition to causing damage, these fangs inject a magical venom. For those poisoned victims who fail a saving throw vs. poison, the venom has the effect of literally freezing the blood. The unfortunate characters are paralyzed and, while their skin steadily turns blue, suffer Id8 points of damage per round until either the poison is neutralized or they die. Although a neutralizepoison spell removes the paralysis, restores the victim's color, and halts the damage being caused by the poison, it does not restore hit points already lost. Those who make a successful saving throw merely feel chilled and numb, and suffer fetch as much as 500 100 gp in total. Terrain: ColdArctic. Winged Warrior Armor Class: 5 Hit Dice: 2. (MI Move: 60' (20') Attacks: 2 wings Flying 180' (609 Damage: ld6/ld6 No. Appearing: ld6 (Id61 Save As: Fightec 2 Morale: 11 TreasureType: Nil Intelligence: 3 XP Value: 25 hfonster T@e: Construct (Very Rare). A winged warrior is a specifically modified form of crystal living statue, enabled to fly because of a permanentfly spell cast on it by the wizard who created it. The flying ability of a winged warrior enables it to protect large open areas. Although the body of a winged warrior is made of crystal, its wings are usually made of a polished, silvery metal. These are attached along its arms from wrist to armpit and extend down the sides of its body to its waist, so that the winged warrior flies with its arms extended. The wings of this construct are often enAlignment Lawful a graved and decorated to look like a real birds wings. A winged warrior must land to fight. It cannot fight in midair because its weapons are the razor-sharp edges of its metal wings. A winged warrior usually swings its arm backhanded, causing a powerful slashing blow. The monster can attack with both wings in a single round. A winged warrior never carries weapons of any type, using only its wings. A winged warrior is immune to the effects of mindaffecting spells such as sleep, charm and hold. The creature is basically nonintelligent, although it can follow simple instructions given to it by its creator. It continues to follow those instructions until it receives new ones. The most common duty for a winged warrior is to patrol large areas. Usually they are instructed to attack all creatures of a specific type entering the area. Sometimes a winged warrior is instructed to recognize a password which allows others to enterthe area it guards. In this case the warrior must be created with the ability to speak. Terrain: Open, Settled. Wood imp Armor Class: Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: Damage: No. Appearing: Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Intelligence: Alignment XP Value: 6 3/4 (ld6 hpY (S) 90' (30') 1 bite or 1 weapon Id3 or by weapon id6 (8d10) Normal Man 7 or 9 S (C+N) 10 Chaotic 6 1 Winged Warrior

II leaves stuck in it. faces are round. They have a ir victims. Often these take the form of co or snares, set to catch the ws (see below). victims into their e clinging to the undersides of use short bows (which they can fire even when down). Arrows fired from these bows inflict ld their arrow he venom from their huge wood throws vs. poison are made at +2, are not cumulative. Poisoned arrows must be rand after they are envenomed or else the poison evaporates. riuge wood spider venom can only be successfully extracted by a wood imp. No other creature can m a dead spider; chemicals given off in their death throes render it inert. If forced to, wood imps melee by dropping out of the trees riding their spiders, and attack with their small two-handed swords (damage id61 while the spiders Tttack with their bites. For every 10 wood imps there is a leader with 1-1 tribe is led by a chief with 1 HD. If these slain, wood imp morale drops to 7. A wood imp tribe also has ld4 shamans (clerics of lst4th level). A wood imp lair consists of an area of old and rotted trees, Here the wood imps keep their prisoners and supplies of fresh food. The prisoners are composed of \ 7 ( who vary from evil humanoi all forest creatures. Wychglow* 3amage: Id10 LVo. Appearir,. ld3 (Id Save As: Fighter: Morale: 11 Treasure Type: G Intelligence: 15 Alignment Chaotic XP Value: 725 _. 1 r \%;

c 1 'I ows are balls of eerie light (one to three feet in that appear only at night or in dark underbigger a metal object is, th is to it. Plate armor, metal , while those wearing armor or are immune to electrical attacks and take Terrain: Cavern, or any (at night onlj ' wjrchlamp Armor Class: Hit Dice: 3+3** (SI Move (levitating): 210' (70') Attacks: 1 dischargDamage: ld4+1 No. Appearing: ld3 (1 Save As: Morale: Treasure Type: Nil 2 or 0 (see below) 0 Neutr, 100 Monster Type: Planar Monster (Very Rare A wychlamp is a small (up to nine inches across) ball 3f glowing light. Wychlamps are composed largely of :nergy, although they have wispy, spiderweb-like skeletons of geometrical symmetry and tr nslucent-tl invisible aspect. These strange creatures ander aimlessly, drifting by natural levitation, and se m attracted to any use of magic within 70 feet. They a e silent and jeemingly unintelligent and come from lanes domiMuch sought after by those who would slay mages, nated by the Sphere of Energy. wychlamps have the unusual nmnertv nf i causing anv Wychlamp

d in area and doubled i ~~lamched~ after they are hit once (increasing their effective Armoj Class from 2 to 0). They cannot pass through a gap o less than 6 inches in width and height. They can thu: be netted. A ring of captive wychlamps at04 a fightel is an effective defense against mages. Wychlamps can discharge their energies upon ohysi cal contact with a living creature in a lightning-like arc that does ld4+1 points of damage and slowsa victim tc half speed during the following round. They do thk only 40% of the times they come into contact with a creature, seemingly at random rather than as an aggressive weapon. Wychlamps take no damage from fire, heat, cold, or lightning attacks. The latter sort (only) will restore lost hit points to a wychlamp. Treat each hit point of damage from lightning or electricty as a hit point of healing (up to the creature's original hit points). Any undead energy drain attack (but not simila spells, which go awry) will destroy a wychlamp. Wyrd* Noml Greater Armor Class: 4 0 Hit Dice: 4* (MI 8*"* (MI Move: 120' (40') 120' (409 FIying: - 240' (80') Attacks: 2 glowing spheres 2 spheres+special ldlO/ldlO+paralysis

hot desea areas and can glow with an infernal red light, and their teeth are well ements on the fringes of reas, and thqoften jaws or their their preferred meat is that of demihumans. Yowlers hav attack by breathiig fia first and then closing to use their jaws in melee. Once in melee there is a 1-2 chance on Id6 that a xytar will breathe instead of biting its opponent. be heard up to a mile away. Anyone within 90 feet must &e a saving throw vs. spell each round or flee in panic ktil the saving throw is successful. If the pack consists more than five yowlers, the saving throw is made at a nalty of -1 for each additional yowler beyond the fifth, up to a maximum of -10. Once characters have successfully saved, they are immune to the baying of this particular pack as long as they remain within its immedj ate vicinity. Yowlers can only be struck by weapons, and even then only suffer weapon's magical plus (i.e. a'sword damage, a dagger +2 inflicts two points, etc.). Silvered Terrain: Cavern, , Ruins, Woods. Terrain: Desert. YMef*- - weapons inflict 1 PO Armorclass: 0 Hit Dice: Move: Attacks: 10 Damage: Save As: Morale: TreasureType: Nil Intelligence: 4 Alignment xp value: Flyins 1 I m I


Wilderness Encounter Tables

31 e ld4 32 ld2 4344 Harpy 2d4 45-47 Hawk id6 " 83 Pemtaur 2d10 94 storm Gdt ld3 95 surtaki ld6 96-37 Tdl I ld8 k A Nilderness Encounter Tables

DlOO Roll Monster Number ld4 1 Pd6 .. 83-85 TimReetk.Giant 2d4 27 Dusanu ld3+1 28 Elder Ghoul ld4 29 Fevwing g3-B Wildat ld2 100 YO* 4d4 DlOO Roll Monster NUmber 01-04 iant ld2' 05-1 1 I&% 12-16 Cnb, Git id6 17-23 Crocodile ld8 24-26 Decapus (Marine) 1 27-30 Eel, Giant ld4 51-54 Giant Poisonous Id6 Frog 55-61 Lizard Man 6d6 76-79 Piranha, Giant 2d4 80 Saberclaw ldlOO 81-83 Sea Hvdra 1 84-87 Serpe&weed, Giant 1 88-94 Trader ld20 95 Water Elemental 1 96-9' Water Fundaniental 2d10 98 Water Weird ld2 99-100 Waterdrake ld4 I DlOO Roll Monster Number 01 Amoeha, Giant 1 02 Apparition 1 03-04 mea Id6 05 Banshee 1 06 Banshee, lesser 1 07-08 Bat, Giant ldlO 13 Brain Collector 1 14-15 Carrion Crawler ld4 16-17 Centipede. Gunt 2cii 18 Chimera ldz I9 ld4 20-21 r, Giant Id4 22 Crone of Chaos 1 I 23 Darkhood ld2 36 Ghost 1 37 Ghostlv Horde Special 3840 Ghoul' Itlo 43 G phef 1 41-42 Gray Ooze ld4 44-45 G 1 46 Iron Gargoyle ld2 47 Lich 1 48-50 Minotaur Id6 55-56 Ochre Jelly 1 57-58 Oil Beetle, Giant ld8 59 Poltergeist ld4 66 Revener ld3 67-68 Robber Fly 1 d6 49 -, Rock Golem ld2 70-71 ld4 72 ld6 73 Shade 1 74 Silver Golem Id3 75 Slime Worm 1 76-77 Slue. Giant 1 v 78 Spectre 1 d4 80 Tahi 1 d4 81-87 Tiger Beetle, Giant Id6 79 Stone Ju,gge,mut 1 83-84 Troglodyte ld8 85 Undead Beholder 1 s6 Undead Dragon Id3 87 Vampire ld4 88 Vision 1 89-90 Whipweed Id3 91 Wood Juggernaut 1 97 ,- Wraith .I._. ld4 93 Wychlmp Id3 94 WFd ld6 85 Wyrd, Grater ld2 96-97 Yellow Mold ld8 98-100 Zombie 2d4 Settled DlOO Roll Monster Number 04-06 Berserker 3d10 30-32 Gnome 1d8 33 Gremlin 1d6 44-46 Metamorph 1d20 47 Mujina 1d4 48-51) Mvstic 4d8 64-69 NPCPartv 1d4+4 70 Polymar 1d3 71 Randara 1d2 " 81-82 Eebear 1d4 83-84 Wereboar 1d4 85 Werefox 1d6 01-02 mer 3d6 03 1 '04 1d2 05 Baldandar 1 OGll Bandit 3d10 12 Blackball 1 10c16 1d8 24 haos 1 1>17 rs-23- 25-27 Decapus 1 28 Dragon, Black 1d4 29 Dragon, Gold 1d4 35-37 Gator Man 10d20 38-40 Hydra 1 __ . I Wilderness Encounter Tables 1

L DlOORoll Monster ._^ 61-66 Native Jenraur 67 Nehzon 63-64 Panther :hameleon Man 65-66 Pie 1 68 Purple P 82 Swamp Velya 1 83-88 Swamp Water ld4 2‘ Giant 72 Siredower ld6 77 Svannle Vine Special d12 ld6 : 94 Water Weird ld2 3’ 78 Tarantella 9<36 Waterdrake Id4 83 Troll ld8 Woods 84 Unicorn ld8 DlOORoll Monster ld2 85 Vampire Rose ld8 90 Weretiger ld4 91-92 Werewolf 2d6 93 Whipweed ld3 99 Wooddrake ld4 100 Wyvern Id6 Lynx ld6+3 5657 Mountain Lion ld4 Id6 58 Oil Beetle, Giant 2d6 IL DImK UI 13-14 Boar 1 rT wilderness tncounter I ames

D&D@ G&e Creature Index described in the WI: Wrath of the rm AUosaurus ........... Amberllotms Amir ....................... Amoeba, Giant .... Antelope ................. Ape, White ............................... 158 Apparition ......................... Archelon ...... Athach ...................................... 158 Auratus ..................... Aurochs .................... Baluchitherium Banshee, Lesser Bear ..................... Bekkah ............... Black Dragon ......... nd 193 Brontosaurus .. .. 29 Bronze Golem . . Buccanel .. carp, Gargantua .. Carrion Crawler. ..... Cattle ................ Cave Bear .......... Cave Toad ...... Crocodile ............... Crow .......... D&D” Game Creature Index

- h ... ", ..... r - c h .. n 6, .. .TI.. .. r <-..--. ......... I- .................... _, *" .. .." ..- .. *,. \.. I,ur ........................................... Death Fiend .............................. 26 Death Leech ........................... CM1 Decapus .................................... 26 Deep Glamt 27 Deer ................................... ,157 ....... :... ............... 73 Dervish ..................................... 193 Desert Ghost ............................ 28 Desert kvhthan ..................... 69 ......................... Diamond Dragon. Dire Wolf.. ............................... .2 1 2 Displacer Beast ........................ 166 Djinni, Greater ......................... 167 Dog, EhTen ................................ 30 ........................ 30 Dolphin ................. Doppleganger ....... Draco Lizard, Giant ................. 189 Draft Horse .............................. 185 Dragon ..................................... 168 Dragon, Blue .................... Dragon, Crystal ............... Dragon, Diamond ........... Dragon, Gemstone ......... Dragon, Gold .................. Dragon, Green ................ Drsgon, u- .... Dragon, White .......... I)r;lgonny ............... ................. Drake ...................... Druj ............................... Dryad ........................................ 174 Efreeti, Lesser ................... ..,.... 174 Elk Centaur ............................ Ifaenare ................ ire Giant ................................. 179 &h, Giant ................................ 39 +ish, Giant ................................ 177 *ish, pii.anha (Cold-Water) .. .40 tlame Salamander .................. .202 +lapsails ............................ .:... .. HW ............................. 41 plying Hydra ............................ 186 Foot-Pad Lizard, Giant ........... 70 Sorest Brooder ........................ 44 Fresh Water Termite ................ 209 Frog, Giant Poisonous '2.. Frost Giant ........................... Frost Salamander ..................... 202 Fundamental ......................... .'. : 42 Giant Elk .......... Giant Foot-Pad Giant Hawk .............................. 52 Giant Hunting Spider .. Giant Magpie ............. Giant Octopus ......... Giant Owl ............... Giant Racer ... Giant shroud Spider ............. 100 Giantskunk ............ Giant Swamp Eel . t.'!. . CML) Giant Swamp Gnoll ..................... Goblin .............. ....'. ..... .:... ........ .180 Gold Dragon ................... :: ........ .1& L D&D ' Game Creature Index I'

........................... ...................... : 1 Hunting Spider. Giant .......... 100 Huptzeen ................................. AC9 Hutaakan .................................. 58 Great White Sha Dragon ............................. 171 Living Statue ................... 70 h. Giant ......................... 60 Hag .......................... Harpy ........................ ...................... Headsman . ..,............. Hellhound ........... Herex ..................... Hi11 Giarit ................. Iamara ...................................... 67 Land Decapus .......................... 26 Lava Lizard ............................... 68 mv- ............... Hobgoblin ............... Homdus . . L .. Hook Jkast ......... ....................... 18 Hook Mofior ......... ue ................ 208 Horse, Wikl ............ Hsiao ...................... Lizard. Roclchome ................... 71 Lizard. Thumper ...................... HvGr Locust. Giant ............................ 189 Lupin ......................................... 72 Lycanthrope ............................. 190 Lycanthrope. Werejaguar ...... 72 Lynx .......................................... 18 Magen ........................................ 73 Magen, Caldron ...................... Magen, Demos ......................... Magen, Galvan ......................... 73 Magen, Hypnos ....................... 73 Magpie ....................................... 74 Magpie, Giant ........................... 74 Mako Shark .............................. 203 Malfera ...................................... 191 Malice ....................................... Mammoth, Woolly .................. HW Man, Isolated ........................... 74 Man, Primitive ......................... 76 Man, Wild ................................. 76 Mandrake ................................. 113 Manikin ................................. GAZ3 Manta Ray ................................ Manticore ................................. Marauder .................................. Man-0-W~ .............................. Manscorpion ............................ 191 Marine Decapw ...................... 26 Marine Leviathan .................... 69 Masher ...................................... 78 Mastodon .................................. 176 Medusa ..................................... 192 Megatherim ............................. 9 Mek ........................................... 192 Men ........................................... 193 Merman .................................... 194 Mesmer ..................................... 78 Metamorph ............................... Minotaur ................................... Moan Bird ............................ HWRl Moose ....................................... 157 Mountain Giant ........................ Mountain Lion .......................... Mud Golem .............................. 180 Mujina ....................................... 195 Mule .......................................... 195 Mummy .................................... Mystic ....................................... Nagpa 79 Narwhal ........................................ .................................... D&D9 Game Creature Index

Neanderthal ............... A Nekrozon ................... Nightmare ............ Nightshade ........ ._ _. . Nixie ................... PWhosaunts .................... mc PaEty .............. ............. orc ..................... .._ Panther ........................ Pasha ......._ ................... Phantom ............. ,<. ..... Piranha, Cold-Water ............... 40 Rockfa Pirate ......................... .,._ 193 Rockhome Lizard .-.* I 200 Ruby Dragon .............. Plasm ....................... 200 Ruler of Dragonkind ..... Plesiosaurus ............ Rust Monster Polar Bear .................. Pony .......................... ...-..... J. Possession ................ Pteranodon ............. Sea Giant ...... Sea Horse ...................... Sea Hydra ....................... Purple Worm.. .............. Qauriks ..................................... 75 Rakasta.. Randarar .............. Rat ............................................. 201 Raven ........................................ 86 Red Worm ...................... Revener ........................ Rhinoceros, Woo Riding Horse ........... Rock Python ........... Rock Rattler .............. Sea Serpent ........................ 91 Shade ....... Shadow Elf ............. shargugh .......... ,<.. .. Shark ................................... Shark, Vam~ra ............ i Sidhe ........................................ PG1 Silk-Spider .............. Silver Golem ........ Silver Living Statu Silver Warrior ........ Sirenflower ............ Sis'thik ..... Skeleton.. ...... Skullwraith ... skunk .. Slime Worm Slug, Giant.. . ...... .......... 204 ... CM8 ..... - I ursrd' Game Creature Index

............ HW ..................... 98 205 ................... 205 ................... 205 ............. 206 207 ....... GAZ12 ................... 204 208 ..................... 18 ............. 208 ,102 187 AC9 208 1 Thou1 ............... Thunderhead ...... 105 Un Va Va: Va . ,209 ...................... 105 ...................... 106 29 93 aaar ........................... 76 ..-ant ....................................... 209 Tree, Killer ...................... Triceratops .......... 209 Triceratops ............................... HW Triton ................... .................. ..................... 177 Tuatara, Giant ... .................. 210 Tyrannosaurus Rex ........... HW Tzitzimitl . ........................ 57 ...................... 211 ..................... 108 Viper, Flyi .................... HW Vision 199 War Dog .................................... 30 War Horse ................... 185 Water Elemental ....................... 175 Water Fundamental ................ 42 Water Weird ...... Warrior, Winged 112 ............... 190 ......... 190 ......... 190 .................. 190 Wereshark ............................... ,190 Whales ...................................... 212 Whipweed ..... ....... 110 White Ape .................. Wild Horse ............... .......................... 18 Winged Warrior .................... 11 2 Wolf, Ice .................................... 60 Wood Golem ........................... 180 Wood Juggernaut .................... 62 Wood Spider, Huge ............... 101 Wooddrake .............................. 173 Woolly Rhinoceros Wraith ......................... Wychlamp .............................. 1 14 Wood Imp 112 .......... ............................. 116 ............................ 213 Zombie ..................................... 213 Zzonga-Bush ............................. DE D&D i' Game Creature Index

(ENG) D&D - Creature Catalog - Flip eBook Pages 101-130 (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.