18 Easy and Delicious Homemade Extracts Perfect for Tasty Baking (2025)

Are you a baker? Do you like to make certain kitchen staples from scratch? If you do, you know how much fun it can be to make your own staples.

But if you’re a baker and don’t make your own products, you’ve likely realized how expensive certain kitchen staples can be.

Well, one kitchen staple you don’t have to buy anymore are your extracts. I love to bake pies, but it gets costly when you make a variety of pies which call for a variety of extracts.

Which has led me to start making my own. The internet is filled with great recipes to get you started, and I’m bringing them to you conveniently in one location.

18 Easy and Delicious Homemade Extracts Perfect for Tasty Baking (1)

Here are your DIY extract recipes:

1. Homemade Bourbon Vanilla Extract

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Vanilla extract can be used in practically any recipe which involves baking. But wouldn’t you love a recipe which could add a little spice to the traditional vanilla extract?

Well, look no further. This recipe gives your vanilla extract a subtle flavor of bourbon. It’s a delicious and simple way to give your baked goods a little kick.

2. Homemade Coconut Extract

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I’m a huge fan of coconut. It tastes fantastic in baked goods and as a garnish for cakes or in frostings. Why wouldn’t you want to add a subtle hint of coconut to recipes by using an extract?

Well, if you would, you should consider making your own coconut extract. The recipe is easy to follow, and it would be a great addition to your kitchen.

3. Alcohol-Free Low Carb Vanilla Extract

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If you’ve ever followed a low carb diet, you know how quickly carbs add up in ingredients you haven’t even considered?

Well, if you’re a low-carber, you don’t have to worry about carbs sneaking into your baked goods with this recipe for vanilla extract. It’s alcohol-free and carb friendly.

4. DIY Mexican Vanilla Extract

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Vanilla extract is a familiar taste to most. If you’d like to mix this traditional flavor up a bit, consider following this recipe for Mexican Vanilla Extract.

You’ll use vodka and Mexican vanilla beans. The Mexican vanilla beans are where the different flavors come in. You get a hint of nutmeg in the mix, and it will make your taste buds dance.

5. Homemade Sugar-Free Alcohol-Free Vanilla Extract

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If you struggle with diabetes or are someone who has this disease running in your family, you know the importance of taking care of your body and avoiding excess sugars.

Sugars build up in our diet because they’re hidden everywhere. When you make your own extracts, you don’t have to worry about hidden sugars. You’re in control. With this recipe, you can avoid sugars all together but still have your traditional flavors of vanilla extract.

6. Homemade Stevia Extract

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If you’re trying to avoid sugar, a natural sugar substitute is stevia. You can grow it in your herb garden each year.

But it’s simple to turn the stevia into an extract you can use in beverages and baked goods. It requires only stevia leaves and vodka. Follow the recipe, and you’ll have the perfect stevia extract in no time.

7. Homemade Vanilla Extract in the Instant Pot

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Do you have an Instant Pot? Well, you know how much faster they make specific processes. Making extract is one of those processes.

You can make thisvanilla extract in only 40 minutes! Can you believe it? It makes one jar at a time at this fast pace.

8. Chocolate Mint Extract

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Do you like to experiment with different flavors of extract? Why not bring two familiar flavors together to make a new magnificent extract?

Well, with this recipe you can. You’ll need vodka and chocolate mint leaves to get the process rolling, and you’ll have a delicious extract in no time flat.

9. Cherry Extract

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I love cherries, and I had something unusual happen to me this week. I discovered my new farm had two large cherry trees on it, and they’re full of cherries!

It’s an exciting thing to experience, especially when you have this fantastic recipe forhomemade cherry extract which uses fresh cherries.

10. Lavender Extract

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I grow lavender in my herb garden. It’s a beautiful plant which produces a wonderful scent. It can be used for lots of different things around the house from cleaning to baking.

If you like to bake with lavender, consider making this lavender extract. It’s a great way to add a subtle taste of lavender into every baked dish you desire.

11. Cinnamon Extract

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Do you like adding a subtle flavor of cinnamon to your baked goods? Well, you should consider making your own cinnamon extract.

It’s a simple method to ensure you have the desired cinnamon flavor in every recipe which would benefit from it.

12. Homemade Almond Extract

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The first time I had a recipe requiring almond extract, I was making an old-fashioned vinegar pie. I ended up purchasing the extract from the store but was astonished at how high the cost was.

Since I now have this recipe, I won’t have to pay an outrageous price foralmond extract again. Not to mention, it takes only almonds and vodka to get this delicious extract. You can’t beat it!

13. Chocolate Extract

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This might be a new extract for some, but have you ever considered making your own chocolate extract? Can you imagine being able to add the flavor of chocolate with only a few liquid drops?

Doesn’t this sound too good to be true? Well, it isn’t. In fact, this recipe tells you how to make it from only alcohol (rum or vodka) and cocoa nibs.

14. Peppermint Extract

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If you haven’t already noticed, extracts boil down to the flavor ingredient and alcohol (usually vodka) to make the magic happen.

Mint extracts are no different. You fill a jar full of fresh mint leaves and cover with vodka. From there, you wait. When the mixture is done, you strain and enjoy.

15. Easy Orange Extract

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This extract requires a special tool called a citrus twist peeler. It makes nice twists out of oranges without getting any of the pith in the fruit.

From there, you cover the oranges with vodka and allow them to sit. You can use the mixture in about a month or month and a half.

16. Homemade Vanilla Extract

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I’ve mentioned how to make many different versions of vanilla extract, but I haven’t given you a simple old-fashioned recipe for traditional vanilla extract.

Well, here it is. When you want to include vanilla extract in your baked goods, you can turn to this traditional recipe and enjoy familiar flavors.

17. Coffee Extract

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If you’re a coffee fanatic like myself, you’re probably drooling at the thought of coffee extract. If not, you might be wondering how to use this. Coffee and chocolate go well together.

When in doubt, put some in a chocolate dessert for added flavor. You’ll need to soak some coffee beans in vodka for four to six weeks before using your own homemade coffee extract.

18. Spearmint Extract

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I grow spearmint in my herb garden. It’s nice to know how to use what you grow in different ways. Extracts are one more way to utilize what I already grow.

If you grow spearmint too (and love the flavor), you’ll be interested to know you can make an extract with only vodka and spearmint leaves. It’s very straightforward.

Well, you now have 18 different options for making your own homemade extracts. You can use them in various baked goods or homemade drinks as well.

Either way, it’s an excellent way to utilize different items you grow or to help cut back on your grocery bill as well.

But now I want to hear from you. Have you ever made your own extracts? What are your favorite flavor profiles? Any tips or lessons learned you’d like to share with others?

We’d love to hear from you. Leave us your thoughts in the comment section provided below.

18 Easy and Delicious Homemade Extracts Perfect for Tasty Baking (20)

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18 Easy and Delicious Homemade Extracts Perfect for Tasty Baking (2025)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.